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Atrast Nal Tunsha

A member registered Sep 17, 2021

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In chapter 9 you can have sex with him, but the encounter does not raise his relationship meter (only keeps it from regressing) so as of episode 9's ending you unfortunately cannot have a committed relationship established with Axel.

One of the best erotic VNs out there! I'm completely hooked on EvaKiss games now. Between Dave from this game and Ian in the new game, I'm head over heels for these guys! The storyline is great, your choices really do matter, and there is a wide range of characters to get involved with under many different scenarios. I've tried every route path involving Dave, but every other character has multiple paths as well so it will take many different playthroughs to see them all. Even if you avoid the romance portions, the personal story itself is worth reading, but if you do get involved with someone, the scenes are pleasantly intimate and lengthy where you have full control of each scene. Easily rated 9/10 for sure!

Wow, just WOW! I adore this game even more than I initially expected because the storyline is so incredibly intriguing that even the romance/NSFW scenes take the back seat! Romance side of things: I'm dying for more Jay and Gabe, they're polar opposite personalities, but each one has drawn my attention into a desperate craving for more xD This game is definitely a gem compared to most I have tried to get into because the steamy bits are tastefully incorporated into the story instead of just cut and pasted in there for the fan service - not to mention each scene is actually really intimate and not rushed in the slightest. I read this is your first game, and I have to say you have a brilliant talent that I can't thank you enough for sharing with us female gamers! Not to be political about it, but as you said, this genre is ridiculously lacking for hetero females and is heavily criticized by most male audiences if you go beyond lesbian romance scenes. *insert the heaviest of eye rolls* Us straight gals want some of the goods too y'know! LOL!
Thank you for catering to the female community as a whole <3 I really look forward to the next update! ^.^

I can't believe a gem like this slipped my radar - seriously REALLY great writing & artistry! There's not many female protagonist games like this around, so to have one with such detailed characters & a great plot is nothing short of amazing - not to mention the badass tunes to go along with it. I'm completely hooked on Luke (the ex) & James, and I'm entirely entranced with what will happen next with them and Rainn. Following & looking forward to the next release! Definitely have a new fan <3

From the demo, this definitely has potential to be a cute, funny high school romantic visual novel. I will admit that I'm not interested in the slightest bit towards Nolan (he looks like a clone of Rei Rindoh from Destind: Mr. Almost Right); the demo really targeted him in a rushed romantic way instead of a gradually developing feelings for situation despite the MC having stated feelings for Flavien. I get that it's suppose to be a "he always liked the MC, and she just didn't know it" type thing, but Samael instead really caught my eye with his maturity and intuition, I liked the balance he brought in the brief screen time; so I hope in the final game he, as well as Flavien, are options you can at least experience a bit before being forced into a commitment with Nolan. The art is nice, the music is good, the scenes even have some movement, and I actually didn't mind the conversations between the other female characters, the gym scenario was relatable, and addressing the different real life issues in each scenario built up a backstory into each character's personality instead of it being a linear story of just MC + Nolan flirting/sex without any depth. I will say my only real criticism is the English translation is messy, and there are a lot of grammatical errors that broke immersion.

The title for Vexx's one on one scene is 100% what it should be - perfect, perfect, PERFECT! ♥︎
Few VNs have this developmental level of emotional intimacy between their characters, and this is why A6 is a gem that should be treasured.
I can't wait for the next episode to be released!
Keep up the amazing work team! ^.^

^^Same problem as above with the knock on the door to MC's room scene cutting off abruptly/not playing with Vexx romanced - otherwise thoroughly enjoying the new episode! Thank you for your hard work - it truly shines through! <3

On the edge of my seat waiting for it to release! :D
It's been so long, and I've been so worried about my cinnamon roll Vexx <3
But the wait is almost over! Eeeeee!

YAY!!!!!! :D Thank you so much for the update! The release will be 3 days after my birthday so I'm dubbing it my belated B-day Gift <3 EEEEEEEE! Cannot contain the excitement now! ^.^

I've been waiting eagerly for episode 6 all these months so this is a wonderful holiday present from you guys! ^.^
Keep up the amazing work, & I can't wait for the next peek in January! <3

You just made my day🤣 Damon is my second favorite♥️
I’ve been stewing for months over the cliffhanger so if I get even a SINGLE crack at Wren, I’ll seriously be like this 👇🏽

♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️Congrats on the first 100K!♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️
I know I’m super late, but I really wanted to express just how amazing The Wanderlust team is to me, how much I truly appreciate their hard work, and sincerely say I love the stellar game they’ve put forward🥳 A6 has been an incredible comfort to me since I discovered it last year, being able to escape a powerless health situation where you feel trapped inside a body hellbent on destroying you, and then entering a world where the main character has to build themselves back up again, really helped me beyond words to weather the colossal storm that ravaged my life at the time. I mean it from the bottom of my heart and with my entire soul, thank you so much for creating this game and the joining DLCs. They gave me something to hold onto as a refuge, something to continue to look forward to, and aided in dragging me out of the dark space I was in. I consider myself truly lucky to have found this game when I did - it helped me to be strong when I was at my weakest; so I just wanted to say, this game is far more than a phenomenal story with beautiful artwork, and it deserves all the praise in the galaxy and so much more☺️ Thank you again for everything you’ve done and keep up the wonderful work!

Not gonna lie.. She can be as beautiful as the highest full moon, but I’m still gonna paint the ground with Wren blood in the most vicious, unforgiving fashion given the first opportunity😘 I hope these next chapters show a warrior’s change in The Traveler. I mean after episode 5 we definitely have plenty of reasons to fight like Hell and toughen up to leader material. Especially if you’re like me who loves Vexx most of all♥️

I've been playing this every single day like a broken record. I'm seriously hooked and super stoked for the next episode, but most importantly I am insatiable with the DLC in this game, everything from artwork to story - it's all perfect!  ^.^

I just really, REALLY, neeeeeeeed more of my Vexx <3 
The wait is killing me and tearing me apart inside with that cliffhanger >.< 
He's so precious to me it's pitiful..