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Attachment Studios

A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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weird, I can't seem to see the download option either, I'll recheck once...




did it end yet bro?

hmmmm, sus............................

Don't say me you checked it and it was my "Cells" and "Fried Chicken"...

I know it exists, and I also know how to fix it... But I never turned back to this project, instead I made 2 more programming languages which are better and more developed than these... I think I should work for some more time on this as well...

what video game? whose video game? my video game? I have 50+ games?(yes, i do plus 100+ vids on yt)


1. Agreed You Get A Point. But I Guess That's My Personal Opinion, That Is The Process Is Funny, Errors Not Being Fixed, 404 Files, Library Failures, Stare At The Screen Problem, Funny Graphics, Weird Code, etc. I Consider Those "Hilarious" Because They Are Due To Very Small Things. In Case Things Are Going Right, Either You Are A Really Good Programmer, Who Don't Exist, So It's Not Less Than A Joke, Or Your Code Is Meant To Be Said "Hello, World", Or You Are Using Easy Game, Or Easy Project. And So Yet It Is Hilarious. Now Other Than New Developers, It Is Easy, Except If They Scratch, Easy For Them As Well. Gradually Programmers Become Good At Coding. Then They See Things As Easy, Plus Getting Those Errors Is Funny For Them. (Note Although It Is Funny And They Smile, They Also Feel Like, "I'm The Greatest Of The Greatest, Beaten By A Missing Semicolon.")

2. I Guess "Easy" Is Now Defined, Also "Hilariously", Therefore I Get 2 Points. For "Game" It Is A Source Of Entertainment Which May Or May Not Be Used As An Utility, May Or May Not Steal Data From The User/"Player".

3. You Guessed It Right, I Get A Point Again. A Game Is For Entertainment And An App Is For Fulfilling Some Purpose. As A Person Living In 2021, Should Know This.

4. I Got Another Point. Plus 2 More, I Explained It All.

Removed 1 Point For This Annoying Upper Case Starting Of Words. Hence I Win At 5 Points And You Get 1. Don't Be Sad. You Got Your Answers So I Give You 4 Points And Now We Tied At 5.


(1 edit)

Making games is hilariously, yes, "hilariously", easy to make unless you are complicating yourself with useless and unnecessary stuff. However anyone can overcome that. The main problem is, well, "Timing"? I don't know if it's a correct reason to same if a quality of a large game to become bad is time, for small games, not a problem, for large games, I know, 6 Months might not be even enough. We also have some examples like, nevermind I forgot, that might be because the game devs are epic, this does not include app devs tho. Hence if anyone wants, delays can be done, not necessary tho... Comment your opinion, if yes then say time limit to increases, but remember we still have 2 weeks when this post was released. Your response will be counted till 3 days before jam, or maybe if amount of games is still comparatively very less assuming only teams are working like 4 members. In that case, extension would be there for sure.


For mobiles only I will allow touch, where you have infinite access, but not for PC, This Topic should help...

Dear Confused Participants!


Peacefully, no clicks, only hover/position should do the stuff... This will make your games interesting.

However feel free to implement clicks and stuff but they shouldn't be default, till jam dates.

Have a nice day!


I guess it's in starting of the game?

Thanks For Cheering Me Up



Thanks For Feedback I'll Try To Make Game More Interactive And Lively. Even Interesting...

The untitled window, I know, I need to still do that.

Nothing happening? The game should have started easily, I fixed the bug after a few complains of not working. And there is no sign of any wrong command or excessive characters.

Can you send the error(just control + c after a few seconds of start and not working), please?

sorry the game was not starting... Fixed it...

Error has been fixed in latest update...

This is weird, because the bug was only for windows and fixed just after 1 hour of first bug reported, it was in discord and after 15 minutes of launch...

Zombies from only left, wow, that's a luck...

Guns and reload, coming soon...(along with character) in next update...

Thanks!? :)

Version Logs(Android)

20201110 - Uncontrollable

  • APK 7.5
    • Fixed Ratio Problem
    • Fixed Corruption Error

It's Pretty Good...

It Misses:

-> Custom Rooms To Join

-> More Player

-> Room Selection

-> Player Name

-> Lobby

But I Guess These Can Be Added

Translated In Spanish

Esa es la razón por la que dije

     "Es posible que debas hacer trampa para conocer todos los logros ...

     Este es un juego sin fin ... "

Aunque los logros terminan en un punto ...

That's The Reason I Said

    "You may must cheat to know about all Achievements...

    This is a endless game..."

Although Achievements End At One Point...

LOVE 0.9 Has Different Rule For Color... LOL

Really Sorry! But I Messed Up A Thing!

I Guess It's A No...

Just Reply No If Not Interested...

(1 edit)

BTW Thanks And I See You Don't Have Any Content Yet!

Don't Mind Below Para It's A Suggestion!

I Wonder If You Know How To Use LOVE That Means You Use LOVE Engine For Making Games... Am I Right? Yeah I Do Use It In My Plenty Of Projects, You Can See In Attachment Studios Itch Page. And If You Are On Discord We Can Chat Their!(I Am Not Alone, I Have 1 Human Member And 1-4 Bots, And All Of Them Are Nice, Friendly, Human Is Also A Coder, And All Are Junior Or Moderate Gamedev)! Or Atleast Have A Way To Contact! Maybe We Can Make Some New Games Together?

And Yes! Please Make Some Games... Participate In JAMS For Ideas...

I Was Wishing For The .love So I Can Make Some Window Changes Maybe Because My Window Resolution Is Not Enough And I Hate Fullscreen If Black Color So I Need To Change It To Normal Window Mode...

Before Making .exe You Need To Convert To .zip Then Rename It To .love And Finally Do Something Like Open Powershell Or Command Shell And Then Merge .love And .exe To Make Your Games Executable With Extension .exe

Wait It Actually Gave Me The In-Dev Content 😲😲😲

Actually You Can Also Send The Love File For The LOVE Devlopers?

Hmmm... I Couldn't Got You, Can You Simplify?

Or Did You Just Mean : Rename .exe To .zip?