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attic petal

A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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Don't worry if it takes longer than the 24h, i am just happy to know you'll get around to look at it some time :) Thanks a lot for all your work!
As mentioned if it still was renpy i would debug it myself and just tell you what the mistake is, but i am well less versed, actually entirely clueless when it comes to unity and i think unity allows way less access with mods etc :D

Your comment gave me hope as i was stuck in a freeze in a vera scene... the update did not fix it though :(

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Sadly the freeze in one of the Vera Scenes still persists, it kinda even got worse actually.

The one scene where we see her at the counter and tell her she looks beat and she says "i suppose i am a bit tired, master". After that it still just freezes... no new dialogue, no possibilities to progress in the scene, no option to leave the scene. In contrast to V0.06d now there also is a white sqare behind Vera in v0.061.

I have no saves from before that scene (my save is when he tells her "you look beat"). The engine change away from renpy really made stuff like this so much worse... in renpy it is easy to break out of a label / scene and avoid it, or just roll back out of it or just load one of the myriads of  regular autosaves you have full access too... all not possible now in this unity implementation. We can only access the most recent autosave, which brings me back to the start of the conversation. When i try to rollabck to last conversation choice / start of conversation it also just brings me back to the beginning of this erroring unescapable scene.

Any chance this will be fixed for existings savegames or do i need to start completely from scratch and grind back to this point and just hope it will not run into the same freeze again?

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Will the update fix the broken Vera scene too where we get stuck in her scene / convo with no more dialogue popping up and no way to exit the scene ("you seem really stressed" scene at the inn counter)?

Really don't want to start a new save to avoid the vera scene and neither manual nor automatic saves are before that scene...