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Auden Cho-Wong

A member registered Jul 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm so glad you enjoyed my game! Thanks for sharing it around : )

I might in the future. I'm currently working on a port to consoles. If that goes well, I'll take a look at mobile.

I'll try my best to do so, thank you so much McNsty!

I'm so glad you've enjoyed, Mikhail!! Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my game. There's more coming soon, stay tuned!

Hey there!  Thanks so much for letting me know about this! From taking a look at it, it seems  like they are trying to pass my work as their own. I'll see if itch can help me stop them!

Thanks so much again! 🙏 

I'm so glad to hear you say this about my work! Thank you 😊 

Thank you so much for the kind words!! Stay tuned for more :D

Thank you so much for the kind words! Please help spread the word if you've enjoyed!

I'm so glad to hear you say this! I hope you enjoy the game!!!

Thank you so much, y'all!!

Hope you enjoy!! If you like it, please help spread the word!

Thank you so much, Vincent! Hope you enjoy the game!!

Find Love or Die Trying

Date or Die for free on Steam or Itch!

I’m your host Kat, and this is Find Love or Die Trying!

It’s the premiere of our new dating show, where ending up single… means ending up dead! Not sure why you’d sign up for this, but now that you’re here, you’ve got 7 days to get one of the lovely ladies on your tropical island getaway to fall in love in with you. If she’s willing to put a ring on it, you’re both free to leave. If not… well, it’s in the name of the show!

You’ll get the chance to meet:

  • Allie, the daredevil athlete with a rebellious streak
  • Scarlett, the charming scientist with a penchant for destruction
  • Violet, the cold-as-ice scion of a mysterious MegaCorp
  • Terra, the eccentric gamer who marches to her own drum
  • Yui, the childhood sweetheart with a smile that could melt ice

…And last, but definitely not least, me! Kat! The impossibly perfect and painfully gorgeous host and producer. Did I forget to mention generous? I’ll be helping you get those romantic connections going, so you better be grateful! 

Then again, my bonus is tied to the ratings, and not you surviving the show, so… Hm. 


I can’t wait to start filming our first episode together!


  • 7 Endings
  • 4+ hours for a complete play-through
  • Original story and art
  • Play as a male, female, or non-binary protagonist
  • Available for Mac and PC


Hi, I’m Auden Jin, the writer and producer of Find Love or Die Trying

I like to write stories that are strange, but this one was weird even by my standards. I first came up with the story idea as a joke: “What if a Western Dating TV Show was more like a Japanese Battle Royale Game?” I had never expected the idea to go anywhere, but a year later, that same idea has been realized in a game with over 4+ hours full of romance, comedy, and crazy antics!

I hope you come to love the story and its wacky characters as I do.

Find Love or Die Trying is 100% free, but you can support me if you’d like by contributing any amount.

If you contribute $10 or more, you’ll receive the Fan Pack, with over 30+ HQ wallpapers, 5+ original songs, behind-the-scenes concept art and development notes, and of course, my gratitude for helping me make more games!

Social Media

Twitter – YouTube – jinauden(at)

I'm so glad you like it! Thanks so much for the kind words!!