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A member registered Sep 24, 2017

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(Most of these impressions are from 0.73)

Maybe it's different for other players, but a lot of enemies seem to be both hard to hit or damage, and also have a hard time hitting or damaging me. I was playing a vigilante using a Xul katana and an energy shield, so maybe I was too weak and defensive, but from my impression everyone could stand to hit and deal damage more consistently.. Bandit spellcasters were very dangerous because they did lots of damage from a distance on occasion; the only comparable melee enemies were Kin Blademasters.

I would up leaning heavily on damage spells just because they reliably did damage with every cast. Juke, and later charge, often did no damage and seemed like a waste of stamina except for when I really needed the stun effect. Similarly bandit spellcasters were very dangerous for their damage but enemies with Juke weren't very threatening. The only comparable melee enemies I found were Kin Blademasters.

Another possibility is that I'm supposed to be super-duper mutated and achieve massive power that way, but I've yet to experiment with that. Radiation sounds bad in the abstract, and the existence of iodine pills suggests that I may want to avoid mutating entirely.

Ranged weapons seemed weak too, although I didn't develop the skill and it's possible that they're powerful with practice. I ended up accumulating hundreds of bullets, and I was really reluctant to shoot them all just to gain the skill.

A related concern is that the weapon damage dice don't seem to match up to their actual performance, so I'm not sure how to interpret them. At one point I had lucked into having an unusually powerful 3d1+2 (IIRC) freezing scalpel, and when it hit it would consistently deal ~10-12 damage instead of the expected 5 damage every time. I bought a greatsword for comparison, and it did less damage very consistently despite appearing to have better dice. It didn't seem like the scalpel was supposed to be an amazing item, because I found in it the first dungeon and it was only worth <$30 to a merchant.

Despite all this, I really like your game and I played both main factions' questlines as far as I could. Keep up the great work!

Using the down stairs in Crypts -3 consistently generates an array index out of range exception without changing levels.

It also produces another few bugs.  Even though the next level doesn't load, the dungeon level is decremented every time you try to go down (so Crypts -4, -5, etc.). If you try to use the up stairs and the game thinks you're at Crypts -5 or lower, it will do the same thing in reverse.. 

The level becoming wrong doesn't matter much by itself since you can just go up the up stairs repeatedly to correct it, but the third bug is bad. If you save and quit the game when the game thinks you're at Crypts -4 or less,  trying to load the save will generate the same index exception, and the game will be never stop loading. Maybe some other bug in the future will save you on a level that doesn't exist, so the loading process should be more cautious about bad savegames.

At Crypts -4, using the up stairs will teleport you to the down stairs, since you never actually left the Crypts -3 map.

The exception occurs when:

  • I use the Murderer's "Charge" ability on an enemy
  • The pushback should cause the enemy to collide with a second enemy
  • The melee attack from the charge kills the first enemy.

I think the game is destroying the first enemy before attempting to resolve the collision. The second enemy is not stunned and no output messages from the collision are shown.

Also,  if the first enemy does not die and the collision works normally, the collision message refers to "The the collision" instead of "The collision".