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A member registered Feb 02, 2019

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Thank you for the fix!  in the meantime I subbed on patreon to get the update so No Regrets!

(1 edit)

says Version 3 dropped but downloads section disappeared for me?

gameplay video looks good!  great use of live models in a game. I really like how the look and feel of the game matches the kinky noir themes.  I'm looking forward to the new chapter

Maybe I did!  In fact, I definitely did!

I had a really fun time!  Thank you!

not sure if this is a protest game or a hilarious self-own

This game is amazing but I can't visit my parents

Bossfight?  She said bossfight!  Imagine what could  happen to Linda's cute butt during a Bossfight!

Grats on the engine change.  Thanks for the update!

Also just in time for Halloween!

Just in time for Halloween!

Oh Wow!  Stoked to see this on Itch!

If you aren't downloading this because this on one of if not the best spanking game in existence, then you should be supporting this dev because the puzzle and map designs surpass the 8bit classics they take inspiration from!

yeah, I'm serious.  This horny game about butts = better dungeon design than Legend of Zelda!  The Slime Cave alone could teach a class in 2d level design!

I've played waaaay more than the 3-5 hours listed above, but I may have done a little more... erm... grinding than necessary.

Also, dev is a super active developer with actual reliable biweekly updates for patrons and regular free public builds!

You get to spank 20 varieties of really cute monster girl, not to mention the interactive story scenes.  What are you waiting for?

I really liked what I could play of this game!  Honestly I DGAF about match-3, or feet, or tickling, but the art and animations kept me going.

The control scheme is strange and actually kinda hurts my hands.  having nothing bound to arrow keys, shift, ctrl, space, or esc hurts my brain.  if unable to implement rebinding then you could add alternate controls using these unused keys.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm completely progression-blocked by the naga at the prison-farm.  It feels like I take so much damage that I can't even get started.  I did a ton of grinding on the first map for 10-17 gold each so I could afford the brown equipment, and I honestly can't tell that it's any better, since it lowers half of my stats and I get taken out in seconds!  

Same for the blue slime catgirl until I eventually just had a lucky run with a lot of unforseeable combos dropping in from offscreen.

like I said, IDK what I'm doing wrong.  Mad respect for the other players who can pass that.  I can't take that much match-3.

The game looks really cool and I enjoyed what I could play of it!  I wish I could get to the rest of the content!  I think a little tweak to the controls and the shop prices and equipment bonuses are all it would need to be accessible!

I got this from the 18 games bundle so I hope my dollars help the development go smoothly!


Quick question, will the customizing / editing features be available on mobile or just desktop versions?  If not available on android I will be sad but will totally understand.

custom panties HYPE!

Shhhh no shut up you'll kill my immersion


Fair point, but maybe in portrait mode the lower menu is always on, and there's a quick-change implement menu at the top.  You know, letterbox portrait mode.

In case you're not busy enough :)

Also, what about Portrait Mode?

Still looking forward to liquids / oils.

Always interested in more panties and stockings options, or recolors of existing ones.

Maybe for a "spring 2020 / Social Distancing" update, add some panties with Hello Kitty a legally distinct cartoon character in a facemask printed on the butt.  Also as a joke there could be a "use hand sanitizer" button that just makes a pump noise.

Have you ever considered a Multispanker Mode where you have two butts side by side to play with at the same time?  Would have to add a menu option to pick skin/panty/stocking options for butt number two, but I think it sounds really fun!

Great game!

We need spooky panties!

Happy Halloween!

I'm hoping to see a varied lineup of skirts when they become a feature.  Not just the standard Schoolgirl, Cheerleader, and Maid, but also some business attire and maybe even a couple club-style minis.

Any thoughts on adding stockings with garter belts?  Since they're typically worn under panties you wouldn't have to deform anything.

As far as toys go, I still really want to see liquids and oils added.  I'd also like to see a ruler implement that makes a mark with a little more shape than the current paddle or hand.  A long enough ruler could smack both cheeks at once!

Spankable thighs!  I didn't know I was into that until this update.  Great addition!

Any thoughts on adding tattoos as an unlockable?

It would be cool to explore new and more varied minigames, especially given the relatively limited control design.  An easy one would be a "Simon" style follow-the-leader minigame where the player mimics a series of slaps that gets longer and more elaborate each iteration.

Also looking forward to more panties and stockings designs in the future, and especially skirts!

How about a "shuffle" button that randomizes skin, panties, stocking, and size?  Once the current ass is sufficiently smacked the next ass comes to visit.

Noticed a minor visual issue in the Valentine's update (Android version), related to the "bend" feature.  Certain 2d sprites don't change position when bend is changed, most notably the zipper on the black leather shorts, but also the bells on the Xmas panties.

Screenshot attached.  

wow!  This made it into the Valentine's update just a week after I suggested it!  Amazing work!  Thank you!

Also great update!

Thanks for the reply!  Good question.

This won't surprise anybody, but sometimes people can get a little weird about their kinks.  The current fade speed causes a couple of frustrations for me.  I feel I have little time to admire any progress, and I find it impossible to get cheeks to "match".  Once the desired glow is achieved on one cheek, switching to the other causes the first to fade back almost instantly it seems.

With some implements (like the hand) the marks fade so fast that to get any sense of progress I have to repeatedly smack one cheek with unnatural ferocity, which feels bad. It's not the girls' fault they recover so quickly.

I'm not against new toys, but that doesn't solve the problem for me.  Tying the fade speed to implement implies each implement as an escalation of the last, and I'm not sure I want to see anything heavier than the paddle.  I already avoid spanking the zombie girl because her marks look too much like bruises, which I discovered was a turn off for me.

So I suggest a Fade time option, with current fade speed being "fast" and a medium (2x) and slow (5x).

Or you could add an "aftercare" mode where marks fade extremely slowly unless massaged or rubbed (maybe add a "lotion" toy), and would introduce a new play cycle of spanking > rubbing > spanking etc...

Once again, great game, and thanks for asking!

I would love to see a slider to control the speed at which redness fades.  This would allow players more time to admire their handiwork.

Great game!  Thanks!