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Yeah, I had to leave out some stuff to finish in time. I have already written simple raycaster in C, so I used it as reference. For the C one, I basically watched a bunch of YouTube videos and then I created something similar to them but I didn't copy one to one any of them. Of course I also have read the famous lodev tutorial in the past.
As for the puzzles, I interpreted the theme "pathways" as "paths" so I used concept of Eulerian path as a base of the puzzle. So you should visit all vertices through all of the edges and never use same edge twice.
I am not sure what effect you mean, but it must be side effect of it being classic raycaster (like Wolfenstein) and not "true 3D" engine.
Hi ,thanks for the comment. The shadow effect is made of two parts. The visual one is made with godot's Light2D and LightOccluder2D nodes. The "damaging " part is made with use of StaticBody2D/CollisionPolygon2D nodes and raycasting. I didn't have time to indicate the health (I almost didn't manage to show the elapsed game time) but I originaly intended to show it with increasing "fire" particles from the body of the bat.