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A member registered Apr 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey there, this bug should now be fixed. Thanks for the report! :)


Thanks for the bug report! We just fixed this on our end and will be rolling out a new patch sometime soon. :)

Hello! I'm glad you're enjoying the game. The bugs you described sound like ones we might have already fixed, but we'll definitely make sure they're gone for good.  If you're not playing version 1.9.3 you may want to delete the version you have and download the updated files. That may fix the issues you're having.

There's romantic endings in the game but it's not like in most visual novels - The dateable characters are the princes of other kingdoms who are randomized to an extent, so the game doesn't have traditional romance routes. Rather, you get date events with your boyfriend throughout the game and depending on a few different things you choose during your playthrough you may get different kinds of outcomes regarding to your romance in the end. The endings in this game consist of a few different parts, so you can for example get the "tyrant" ending because of the choices you made in the game, but still also get a romantic & positive ending with your boyfriend :)

Hey there! Thanks for the feedback! You can actually also save by exiting the game to Main Menu, but this isn't really properly stated in the game. We wanted the game to save when you directly exit the game too, but there were some problems that we couldn't fix in time for launch. We'll try to do something about the issue in a future patch if we can figure it out.

Hey there! Thanks for the bug reports! We thought we had fixed all of them, but it appears there's still something wrong with the altruist (good guy) route of the game since both of the bugs you encountered have to do with altruist stuff.
I'm sorry you haven't been able to finish your playthrough. We'll try to fix these soon and release a small patch with bug fixes. :)

Hey there! Sorry for the crash! We just uploaded a patched version of the game. This one should be way less buggy than the launch version. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hey there! Sorry for the crash! We just uploaded a patched version of the game. This one should be way less buggy than the launch version. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hey there! Thanks for reporting this bug! We'll release a patch soon that will fix this and lots of other issues. You'll be able to download the updated version of the game from this page. For now, you can just click "ignore" to move past this bug. It shouldn't affect your playthrough further!

Hey there! Thanks for reporting these bugs! We'll do our best to fix them ASAP! :) We're expecting to get a patch done in a few days. Thanks for your patience!

It works okay for me. I have no idea what could be wrong.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox and I think it should work with Chrome as well - haven't tried with other browsers.
Try checking if your browser or firewall is blocking the download. Without more info I can't really advise you better : /