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A member registered Jan 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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i definitely didnt use this

AI LOL <3 I think graham is into bdsm

I cant decide between Toaster and Xyx lmao :') HONESTLY I WISH DISCORD WAS FULL OF PEOPLE LIKE THIS... This was also really realistic. The dialogue always guesses what im thinking its just very not possible. Anyway i wish i got Xyx ending naturally, but i had to cheat UGHHHH :( ANYWAY I LOVE THIS GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10. btw my favourite is sal, or should i say nicolas hahahaha 

I hated that i had to use this. I wanted to do it naturally, anyway i only used some of this, but im very happy with xyx ending :) Im glad xyx is doing okay now.

holy crap, i can relate to xyx in some way...

Id love to see more of your games! And maybe make it even gayer- I mean what did I say- Anyways, I love all your games and to realise I've almost played it all without knowing it was from the same creator! Keep making your games, I adore them all.

I really liked the customisation, it was really fun ! also Gakuto is so cute !! I think I've played your games before- its been long since I've played games like these. (I'm actually 11 years old, still continuing dokie dokie!)

Hope you make more games ! - Archii (me)

YESYESYESESESYSE THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!! I love the game so much! I had a fun time playing it all ^^ I was really surprised that they were dating like I was freaking out lmao-

im sorry but I ship Haru and Erika together pls don't be mad aaaaa- anyways love the game!! <3

It was laggy when I played the game, but its still scary lmao-

love it >:3

the game was really good! I think there are scenes I haven't seen but im still playing the game, but overall, its a good game! love it <3