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A member registered Jun 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Maybe one day I come here to install it.

Also in case you don't know your name can be a little bit agresive for spanish people because some terrorist use it

Oh thanks
I apologize for being maybe too agresive but I wanted an answer

Nice work reworking Arks sprites :D

DuckDuck go said this about your wepsite "your conection is not private is posible that other people may be trying to steal your information from (for example passwords,mensajes or credit cards) EXPLAIN THAT

(1 edit)

Look at the read me he has a link to a non save wepsite

It was like dying in the die screen weirdo

Mmm I found a funny bug try to press L more than 1 time in 2 seconds

(7 edits)

Im not a genius of prizing but normally the most sold 2D game assets (sprites) dashboards for 9-15 USD tend to have enough content to do an entire game with them or be close to it.

On the other hand yours have 30 sprites with different sizes and no animations Im not saying it's bad with some extra sprites you could perfecly make a board game with this but ceartinly here 90% of the people who is searching for game assets want to make a videogame where you are able to move where you want, sadly for this purposes its clearly not enough and you dont have the reputation to go across this and get some people to buy it just because you made it or so I think.

So my recomendation is or to spit the pack and make each one cheaper in order to make people want to buy both (9 USD) when buying one (be carefull with this small packs are easy to steal)

or to look for other prize that attracts the people (by watching other's prizes) 

or to go to another shop where the traffic is more interested in cool static images (Etsy,Creative Market, Redbubble, Gumroad, Society6 (quick recomendations by chatgpt)).

To leave it clear im not an expert maybe saying "its kinda expensive" was rude (I apologize if it was) or this is rude or im overthinking and going crazy so hard but well its my opinion.

its kinda expensive...

AHHHHHH I want to steal this so hard put a video or change from 6x6 pixel ramdomly change some sizes because its not like an amplification and a preview image is going to save it from me ;(

I love them :)

oh thanks :D

Ohh so its worth it to buy it now its a nice idea to get funds sadly I dont have money to spend.



Still on development?

¿Esta todavía en desarrollo?

¿o has parado?

What do you use to make such a beatifull .svg (image format) like art


ohhh realy cute


NICE IDEA I will try thanks for the delicius information.

It haves license?

I will take this as not

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I dont get the joke but its fine dont explain it

edit: now that chatgpt has explained it I understand I dont want to use these assets because im not interested on to doing topdowns they are really hard to make look good

they look good I think im getting them and getting out their arm, legs and head to animate them.

Yeah sounds brutal but it works I swear it.

(2 edits)

This might sound a bit selfish.

This character looks amazing but probably because free version only has a walk idle and death animation it won't go far.

(this my opinion)

Goodluck getting money :D

(I was completly wrong people is still clicking this asset pack because it looks so cool)

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A small question what 4 animations are in the pack because im thinking on getting it but im not sure

however I will probably modify [Verboten Arcane Stash] Mini Characters

I think is made for 2D top downs so why jump?

(if you want to jump you can use some run frames)

This art looks so nice that you should protect it better ,right now the gifs only have size alteration and some letters which means I could steal them in 3 days rather than paying but actually even if you made it better it would take me 1 month to just look and copy is it still posible but only crazy people just like me would dare to do it.

(I won't steal anything for now) (it would be great fun to see coments like swiper not swiping XD)

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So kind of you to say something in all the posts are made thanks :D

btw I think it is incredible how complete is this character editor I can even make recreations of characters from anime or something else

Sakurama from ranger reject

(you dont need to answer this)

Anything new??? (last time I tried my best to unlock something but I couldnt)

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Do you need a programer? I think making an editor its not a big deal bigger proyects may need of course someone who knows but from my point of view its totally posible to learn how to do simple games here is a usefull godot tutorial  if you are interested on learning in my opinion its the best tutorial if you are learning from scratch 

looks nice sadly I have a dsi  not a ds ;(

looks good

(1 edit)

I got Rimuru after afk with 2 acc at the same time that is like 100 tries is kinda imposibru

Now is a real thing :) is it in fact in the game

I now played with a warrior acc and this is my point of view.

It can be a good game if lots of people get to discover it ,I love how every enemy has its own way to hit you and that's not all there are diferent biomes too so you can find more diferent enemies in diferent places which changes the game loop in a great way BUT.

At the start hard to understand you are sent in a place with a chest and lots of things in order to fix this I think that spawning players at a tutorial zone to show what the game is about would be a good way to fix it also its said that using no text to guide the player is a genius idea to make your gameplay more dinamic however I think its better than leaving the player with no guide on how to play like a thing that moves the camera with some text under it to say what is what. 

Im not an expert my level at understanding English is a B1 and I dont have a lot of experience writting fedback so you maybe should ask for more people's opinion about this before trying this if is it a huge effort to do what I said.

Its good now and I see room for improvement I hope this feedback has helped you.

I wish you good luck. :D

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Well I tried its kinda hard to log in and wth is the thing in the right also the fact I had to trust in you to open the app is another setback the only thing I can say is about the game is that the main menu looks right is perfect
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probably there isnt any license but he said feel free to use it in any of your proyects in the description

oh wow I played guardian tales and it looks really similar nice work :3

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Yeah this is top secret XD but with the power of editing it is posible to transform a man into a women

Thank you my questions have been answered