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A member registered Nov 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Uhh well. Interesting way to portray these.. characters. No hate just not my type of game. Nice art style. Audio file gets buggy after a little bit which is kind of annoying, but I only played like 5 minutes of this so what can I say.

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The slippery-ness of the movements are so annoying, but I guess that's just the challenge of the game. I loved this. It was super cute and just enjoyable, especially at the end with the cutesy art style. Such a simple concept, I loved it.

Edit: There were some animation glitches sometimes but it didn't effect the gameplay, once I got hit by an enemy it wouldn't kill me and left me in the "killed" animation (Yes, I know I saw in your description for the note). Sometimes when I killed an enemy the killing animation (The "sparkles" [not sure what to call them]) just stayed and kept looping.

I love this demo! It's going awesome and I'm so excited to see the full release of this game and I'm sure to play it. Very creepy and spooky and actually gave me the creeps when you went to fix the power with the long hallway. I'm so interested in what's going to happen next!

What an interesting short game. I really liked the idea on being a train and then everyone.. gone, and having just someone coming after you. I wish this game was longer though, it really only gave me the spooks for only about 10 seconds. The art style is really nice, though! Good game, just wish it was a bit longer and had more context.

Hey, didn't know you were the other creator for Among Us but Single player!  For the start I actually really liked how you gave us a little dialog on how you started out and how you got views on subscribers. I'm sure you can have great potential being a professional gamedev! I didn't beat the last one since it was a bit more challenging and laggy but, good job so far! Keep going.

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Needs.. a lot of work. I've read the instructions, stayed away from the body as far as you could possibly go. Seems like the "randomly generated" just honestly picks you no matter what. Good thing is I've kept a good eye on their AI. Two go to admin and two go to electrical (I think those are the two rooms). Luckily AI doesn't see the dead body behind them, so once I learned that it was pretty easy to win. I see what you were going for! Good game to be honest and seem like a good concept to Among Us. Keep it up!

Woah. What an interesting and unique concept to a game. I really loved the aesthetic and atmosphere on this one. The fact that how persistent you can get at the game once you see it walking up behind you in the little camera. That part made me mess up a bunch. The ending was actually really cool and I loved the skull coming at you to get cha. I love this game, I really thought it would be another cliché. Good game! 

Well how short. Nice game and nice atmosphere. Made me a bit hesitant on the closing my eyes. I don't really think closing my eyes really continued the game though? I kept my eyes closed for only a second and then everything happened. Other than that, very unsettling short game. The aesthetic and low-quality type stuff make me jumpy.

I hate this game.

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Very cute game at the start. Actually made me quite unsettled during the end, especially when the music suddenly turned off and then.. an ominous hallway. I was actually relieved to see a drawn man there just actually waiting for his tea. Very good way to loop the game as well! Good game.

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I have no idea why I played this game, but I wanted to get to the end, and I did. I am the new king of the skeleton castle.