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A member registered Jun 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Ahaha when I got a popup that Internet Explorer has been discontinued and to use Microsoft Edge, I thought it was part of the horror show

First Spooktober game I played with an in-game video and webpage :) Liked the "time-based" gameplay.

Wow it was really great!  Characters, writing, story, art all nicely polished.  It will definitely be a contender for the Spooktober prize.  Where did the music come from?

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Stares Back had a really unique vibe, good pacing and storytelling.  I did maybe spend too much time "looking around" but that was suspenseful.

Her face really conveyed what was going on in her mind.

Mmm I don't know why I was expecting body horror and sacrifices to be a happy, friendly bonding experience.  Had fun!

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Have played 30 minutes of, it's really good!


And I had time to play through yesterday, was a really good Spooktober game.  Really appreciated that it was presented as a mystery, and gave you time to make a guess.  Well my final guess was wrong but that's OK.  

Excellent job with the characters and story, everything else is nicely polished too.

Really enjoyed the art and music.  

Was wondering when it was going to get Spooky.  Spoilers: it did!  Nice voices too

Everything was great, especially writing and music!

It was good!  Controls in HTML5 were confusing sometimes but that didn't stop me!

Off to a good start, though I had to turn off a monitor when launching the game, so that it'd show on the monitor I wanted!

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Moral of the story: Go home while you still can!

Its cool that you took all those pictures, also liked the sound

Meee too!  Your game is off to a great start 

Played the web demo with my gamepad.  Was lots of fun :) Appreciated the difficulty range from bronze to gold, usually I got silver!

Couldn't conserve enough fuel on the last racetrack , but had fun trying

Victory!  Thank you for 5 minutes of fun :)

Really cool, nice epilogue and I liked all the extras in the game room!

It was cool chattin' with Enodia

I'm a lil late but I had fun with "Saint Spell's Love Guide to the Magical Student's Handbook".

Nice game!  I keep needing to reference the guide after my fails >_>

The game kind of got stuck after the revenger story ended, but it's fun to make another mushroom.