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A member registered Oct 27, 2018

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Hi! I was thinking of downloading the remake after playing the original Devil of the Mirror with my friends, but was wondering if there, by any chance, is an ending guide similar to the one in original version? 

(1 edit)

did i just cry because of a game about boywitches in love


but, like, oh my god, periwinkle is so relatable and pastille is so adorable and cute
like,,,, i relate to periwinkle too much;

cute wonderful cute — three words desribing this game

EDIT: cried 3 times

okay, i NEVER expected to love this as much as i do, to be honest.
i haven't played all of the friendship routes yet, but--- i'll do it soon.

I'm going to start with the fact, that... i was a bad player and didn't listen to the proper order of routes. I was too angry at Ikki and Toshio in the prologue, after all.

So, I started with Yuta's route.
And I loved every second of this route.

Then I played Haru's route, and I fell in love even more.

What surprised me was the fact, that I actually really liked Ikki's route.

Toshio's ending is a bit... problematic, I guess? It wasn't bad but it didn't really change anything within Toshio, at least for me?

Kenji's and Ryu's routes were the most surprising for me. I thought I was ready for Ryu, because of all that build-up from other routes, but still... 

The only thing I can complain about is how suddenly they all end, like, just POOF, Sweet end. However, I know that it's not easy to make a game like that.

Despite that, it was a pretty good game, probably would replay in a few months?

Nie mam pojęcia, czy interesują was drobne błędy w pisowni (znalezione dwa) i opcjonalne błędy interpunkcyjne;
jeśli tak, to zapisałam je tutaj
jeśli nie, to powiem tylko tyle, że gierka jest bardzo przyjemna, jednak — chociaż wiem, iż jest króciutka — brakowało mi zapisów. Przyzwyczajenie z innych gier, haha.

Arty są śliczniusie, a sama historia — bardzo zabawna i urocza.
Nie mówiąc już o tym, jak bardzo Ash jest w moim typie
Życzę więc powodzenia w przyszłych projektach!

Yea, Lioji route would be amazing and that's what came to my thoughts too :D

Oh my, I love this game SO much. All the characters are so lovely, even the Heroine (!) which is really amazing!
I think I chose all the options available, but my personal favourite is Karuto (i got the lamest dead achievement). I just can't wait for the full release, I wish you all the best!

The artworks are really beautiful too, I just can't stop looking at them.