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A member registered Jul 26, 2020

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Stand Name: Translucent Film 

Power: C

Speed: C

Range:  E

Durability: A

Precision: A

Potential: B

Appearance: A short range stand stand whose appearance is that of a white outlined featureless humanoid stand whose body is white water like substance

Power: Whatever Translucent Film touches has the ability to phase through anything and have anything phase through it unharmed. The larger the object the more of the stand is required to use and thus a longer processes it takes.  

Stand Name: Final Curtain Rise 

Stand Apparence: A metal frame with large red curtains 

Power: E

Speed: E

Range: A

Durability: C

Precision: A

Potential: A

Stand Power: Whenever a person sees this stand they feel compelled to enter the curtains. Upon doing so they are met with the stand user who informs them they are about to  transported back in time for  1 minute to an event they regret, want to do over, want to do different, etc and are given only the knowledge of that interaction and the surrounding place/people/situation/etc. They cannot interact with anything/anyone else not important/related to that event. (Does not work with the stand user) 

Stand Name: Sky Sonar

Stand Type: Colony 

Stand Description: 3  space satalites the size  a 12oz water bottle hover around the user. 

Stand Powers: The 3 satalites can fire individual laser beams from their cones capable of melting brick 3/4" thick, or fire all at once to incinerate through 1 foot of solid steel. They can also be used as long range listening devices and recon drones.

The user is able to manipulate each satalite individually by giving each one a particular order, or give them all the same order such as, but not limited to 

* Circling an enemy and keeping them distracted with short bursts of fire 

* Keeping together and firing a continuous beam of energy

* Having 1 satalite go off to listen to people of interest while the other 2 defend the stand user 

* Having all 3 form a blanket of surveillance so the stand user can listen to any area, no larger than 360 feet (110 m) long by 160 feet (49 m) wide, at will and triangulate if need be. 

Stand Attributes:

Power:  C

Speed: B

Range: A

Durability: D

Precision: A

Potential: E

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Stand Name: Hands

Description: Two hands that end at the wrist that move where the user needs


Power: C

Speed: C

Range: A

Durability: B

Precision: A

Potential: A

Stand Power Examples:

* Both hands can  move independently of each other allowing for a wide range or motion 

* Even tho there is nothing attached at the wrist the user can hold onto one hand, and let the other hold something else, example is a ladder. One Hand holds the ladder, the user holds the free other hand, and gets pulled up to grab another rung.

* The hands can shrink down to that of an infant, however cannot grow any larger than the largest current known hand size. 

* Each hand can hold up to 215lbs

* Despite no ears, mouths, or nose, the hands can still communicate with the user, but other stand users must translate via charades

* Each hand can squeeze with enough force to break a regular humans bone

* Each hand can be sent to scout

Stand Name: Friendly Face

Stand Power: Charisma Boost


Power: C

Speed: B

Range: A

Durability: C

Precision: E

Potential: D

Stand Description:

Friendly Face is a humanoid stand who can boost the users charisma to high levels allowing the user to get things they otherwise wouldn't be able to. 


* Getting a discount on a hotel room otherwise not available

* Not being written up for being late to work

* Making friends with anyone

* Free food

Stand Name: Solid Air

Stand Power: Turning anything it touches into a gaseous or solid state for a limited time.

Stand Appearance: Gas whose form takes that of a humanoid figure. While you think you can pass a hand through it, it feels like something is blocking you from doing so.


Power: C

Speed: A

Range: A

Durability: E

Precision: B

Potential: A


  1. Stand A throws a punch at Solid Air. Solid Air causes the arm to turn into gas and go through him.
  2. Solid Air is fighting stand B. To put more power into its punch it turns its arm into a solid mass.
  3. Solid Air needs to reinforce a wall/railing/floor/etc during a fight for added durability it turns the whole floor into a solid piece.
  4. Solid Air needs to pursue a person and turns a small portion of a wall into gas to phase through
  5. Solid Air can combine the two powers by turning something into gas then re-solidfying it to become a part of whatever it phased through.

So do you wear the suit? And can you summon/dismiss the suit at will

haha thanks. I got it from a walk I went on where a cardinal fluttered half way down the path. 

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Unchained melody takes the form of a North American Cardinal. Once the stand user has chosen their victim, Unchained Melody follows the victim and chirps at them, after that and as long as Unchained Melody stays within range the victim will eventually kill themselves, or be led to kill themselves, over what they see. This can take shape of friends, family, horrific nightmares, and anything use the user decides. 

I'll have to watch the show, after I've caught up on JoJo's. 😊

I will be honest with you. I have never watched one piece past the episode where they fought the clown for the first time and they defeated him by tickling his feet.  But I'm glad you enjoy it. ☺️

I like your stand! And to answer your question I think a lot of people are on their phones than their desktop/laptop so it's easier to just port over stands. Plus this is the only reliable place to get feed back and find more fans of the show.

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Stand Name: Hands Off

Stand Type: Humanoid

Stand Power: To create arms that can potrude from any surface that it touches.

Example: The stand touches a wall, railing, ground, objects, or other stands (does not work on itself), etc and have any number of arms rise out and fullfill whatever task they're summoned for. (Grasping, restraining, holding, pushing, pulling, etc)

Weakness/Limitations: They're just arms after all, someone strong enough can break their grasp. Once the task is complete they go away. A give away they're being summoned is a faint black circle in the area they're appointed. 

Power: B

Speed: C

Range: C

Durability: D

Precision: A

Potential: E

Stand Name: Free Move

Power: C

Speed: A

Range: D

Durability: B

Precision: B

Potential: C

Stand Ability: Simultaneous Action. 

This humanoid stand has the ability to create one extra limb on each of it's extremities in battle allowing it to kick and jump at the same time or punch and block. 

The extra limbs only appear in battle and only last for the appropriate action for which the limb was created.

Feed back welcomed 🙂

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The official number is 100. Each one killed will respawn up to 24h later.  They can be given any order within their limits, and can go off in any number of groups I choose.  Much like any colony stand, their power comes from being a group rather than single. I can also summon any number I want, so it doesn't have to be all 100. It could be 5 at first, then another 2, then the other 93.  .

I like it. Is there any way to tell what object Love Bytes is? And how quickly/how long can Love Bytes become an object for

I like this one. I think you nailed the ability, simplistic yet useful, stats seems good and pretty self-explanatory power.

I like the idea. I do believe you're putting a bit too much description into the stand box. I think just saying "Can turn any object or surface into a bouncy surface" 

And when you say "effects only the user and not others" do you mean it can only use it on non-living things? 

I would also work on stats a bit. For a stand you say is slow, a B in speed may be too fast. I personally judge them by base ability without powers added in. 

Is there a way you could clarify this. If I understand this correctly. Your base ability is to rewind time by 10 seconds.  You can still attack the enemy when you rewind time and they'll take more damage.  Is there a downside to this? A lot of people on here make super overly powerful stands with almost no downside which takes away from, in my opinion, the ability to project a stand into our reality.

I like it, but I feel it has a bit too much going for it. Most stands have 1-2 powers. I think it's strong if it could be a pistol that shapeshifts. That way you're unique from Mista and Hol Horse. 

Just my two cents.

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The umbrella can be an unbreakable shield if fully extended and can turn into any nonliving object. However, it's still an umbrella and cannot turn into anything larger, longer, or wider than itself whether it's fully extended or not.