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A member registered Aug 09, 2019

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define soon? as you said this about a month ago.

i believe it is but they had to redo most of it was i think what we were told as something came up and caused problems.

oh I hope he is okay and life isn't to rough on him.

is this game still being worked on just curious as it is the best one i have found in a long time that seems to tick a lot of the boxes i look for. thank you for your time if and when you respond. 

if you sex up enough girls you can overpower her mind bs and have some good scenes later because of it. 

same i can't wait for the next part to be added hopefully we get to a part where we can do random events in the world and not be on such a big cut off timer.  maybe still have attacks but not just end it. maybe make each attack take longer and longer after a while to show the fear  of your strength and how many people have fallen to the dragon. 

(1 edit)

I don't see the custumization happening anytime soon as even picking scale color would require art assets for each color and or some way to add the colors and it not look cheezy.  who knows he might once he gets enough funding but art is expensive af. 

as for the human part idk maybe a draconic looking humanoid form for stealth but i dont want a full human transformation. i like how as several characters in game put it how primal and semi beast like the dragon is.  i enjoy that part of it a lot and sometimes when characters get too much human work they turn to human and it kinda kills it for me.

this is just all my opinion on this. not making statements for anyone. but thats how i feel about it. 

gotta say i needed this game and hope it gets more content in the future. i love playing dragons and this lets you be as brutal or majestic as you want lol. 

thank you for the update i was hoping this was getting something soonish XD i love the art style and the look of the characters so far.

Thank you my man I know this was a lot of months ago you posted this but it helped me out so much as having the constants loaded at all disabled all mods somehow. 

just wanted to say great game and a youtuber splattercatgaming is how i found your game he was promoting it kinda XD Had a ton of fun so far. can't wait to see where this game goes in the future.