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A member registered Dec 07, 2022

Recent community posts

It won't let me play, the screen goes black

Thank you very much, I was replacing both the exe and the zip with all the files and I did not understand my mistake, I really thank you very much for your time

are they ones in the mega folder with the name old and do i extract the 2 from version ? sorry for asking so much , i´m not very good at this

(1 edit)

(sorry for bad english)

version fails in the bandit mision , i also did not understand what files to replace with those from patch .

The error is script line 112 argumentError ocurred wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

i don´t know if it´s because of the rtp from the same descendants

Well, I didn't think I'd get to this, but I need help with the puzzle of the password to the box that contains a note with a prize for "pizza" so I can't help, I've already tried putting all the text together, etc. I just need a clue please

I have problems on the dragon island, I don't know what to do and I don't know how to continue the story once you get to the second island.

I would appreciate some help, I don't understand what's next.

Maybe my comment is a little late but you must activate a lever that is higher up on the left and then run to where the 3 priedas are, they will no longer be there and lower the other lever and wait until the ticktoc ends to make sure they do not appear

thanks you have helped me a lot

Could someone help me? I can't enter the witch academy or the bee forest, nor can I enter the island of the Amazons, let alone go for the boss of royal city