Tried playing Kriegsland but it crashed, giving me this error:
*** Fatal Error ***
Address not mapped to object (signal 11)
Address: 0x8
!!! Could not create gzdoom-crash.log following signal
Ah. Then it seems I misunderstood things.
Also, I found a typo - when viewing the stats of a non-liberal, their task is listed as "Mindless Consermerism". I think that should be spelled "Consumerism".
Jewelry is also spelled with three "e"s when it should be 2.
When taking classes at the university, the skill for learning Public Policy says it increases "Pesuasion".
It's possible that I misinterpreted the game's UI on the "number keys to talk to someone multiple times". If someone's decided they're done talking to the squad, a tooltip on mousing over them says as much. I didn't mouse over the first few times and that may have been why I got confused.
Anyway, thanks for working on this version. Having played it for a bit, I prefer this to the text-based version by a long shot. Though I still don't know what strategies I can employ to actually succeed or even survive. I'll let you know if I find any other obvious bugs.
I don't know if it's relevant to this version specifically, but I've found the LCS wiki (incomplete as it is) to be pretty helpful.
Also, I'm not sure where I should go to report bugs, so I'll just bring the ones Ifound here. I'm on a Linux OS, so idk if these issues are reproducible on Windows:
When changing the team's slogan, whenever I press "M" I wind up bringing up the Martyrs page.
When a character badly fails a "just talk for a little while" check on Adventures in Liberal Recruitment, they get the message that the person who was being persuaded comes off as slightly insane - not that the person doing the persuading messed up.
It's possible to use the number keys to talk to the same person more than once, even after they've already turned away. I can't do this with the mouse.
Shame this isn't a full game - I'd love to see more battles, hear more music (and sound), and get an answer to the several questions the game raised.
Also, as one of the comments below already said, the fact one can restart immediately after losing a battle with no need to reload a save is very nice.
While I destroyed some of the trucks in the convoy (the one that appears the night after you destroy Base 1), one truck was able to reach Base 1.
When the truck reached Base 1, the message "Convoy cleared" appeared on the screen and would not go away. Closer examination revealed that the message would occasionally go away for a split second, only to reappear immediately after.
The act of landing is slightly terrifying since I know a crash will result in an entire night being lost.
On a related note, I did not attempt the tactic displayed on the diagram (where the engine is brought to 000 power), since I didn't want to crash.
Also, I find it difficult to accurately drop bombs. Is there any advice you can give us on how to hit targets more easily (besides practice, of course)?
In spite of those issues, though, I'm enjoying the game so far. The lady's words of encouragement when I do hit a target are surprisingly invigorating, despite the language barrier, and the idea of a vast airfield where you're somewhat free to wreak havoc is nice.
Keep up the good work.
If it is at all possible to implement a custom feature into this level editor (tiles that represent traps or the like), please consider doing so. (EDIT: Alternatively, the ability to make a custom tileset for the editor, such as one for sci-fi or one for the modern-day, would be similarly useful)
While I haven't done very much with this tool (having only discovered it earlier today, and being busy with schoolwork), I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.
As always, keep up the good work.
Able to provide a scary atmosphere without any visuals - though the sound-based menu made me wonder if the game was working when I first started it up.
Note to other players: I think you might need to close the game and open it again if you want to restart after a game over. Left mouse button to shoot, right mouse button to reload, move the mouse to aim, listen to the noises and determine where they are relative to you.