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Azzy Dev

A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi, I developed a game in 2018-2019 called Super Pixel Maker ( I am interested in making a game similar to it but would like some feedback on what to improve specifically the game-play to make the game more fun and engaging.

Thanks in advance, for any feedback.

Thanks for the workaround.

I'm using the newest version on

The console displayed this error:

app.js?v=19-03-06:22059 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getOptions' of undefined

    at VirtualRenderer.obj.setOption (app.js?v=19-03-06:22059)
    at Editor.setOption (ace.js?v=19-03-06:3997)
    at Editor.obj.setOption (app.js?v=19-03-06:22050)
    at Function.ui_Preferences.bindEditor (app.js?v=19-03-06:22080)
    at Object.ace__$AceWrap_AceWrap_$Impl_$._new (app.js?v=19-03-06:2093)
    at Function.Main.main (app.js?v=19-03-06:271)
    at app.js?v=19-03-06:25918
    at app.js?v=19-03-06:25919
obj.setOption @ app.js?v=19-03-06:22059
setOption @ ace.js?v=19-03-06:3997
obj.setOption @ app.js?v=19-03-06:22050
ui_Preferences.bindEditor @ app.js?v=19-03-06:22080
ace__$AceWrap_AceWrap_$Impl_$._new @ app.js?v=19-03-06:2093
Main.main @ app.js?v=19-03-06:271
(anonymous) @ app.js?v=19-03-06:25918
(anonymous) @ app.js?v=19-03-06:25919
2/dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/web-view/web-view.js:355 Uncaught TypeError: Error processing argument at index 0, conversion failure from webview
    at registerWebViewElement (/dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/web-view/web-view.js:355)
    at listener (/dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/web-view/web-view.js:373)
registerWebViewElement @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/web-view/web-view.js:355
listener @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/web-view/web-view.js:373
/dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:259 Electron Deprecation Warning (nodeIntegration default change) This window has node integration enabled by default. In Electron 5.0.0, node integration will be disabled by default. To prepare for this change, set {nodeIntegration: true} in the webPreferences for this window, or ensure that this window does not rely on node integration and set {nodeIntegration: false}.
warnAboutNodeIntegrationDefault @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:259
logSecurityWarnings @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:309
loadHandler @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:332
load (async)
module.exports @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:335
(anonymous) @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/init.js:160
(anonymous) @ /dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/init.js:174
Module._compile @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:693
Module._extensions..js @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:704
Module.load @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:602
tryModuleLoad @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:541
Module._load @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:533
Module.runMain @ internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:746
startup @ internal/bootstrap/node.js:282
bootstrapNodeJSCore @ internal/bootstrap/node.js:759
/dt/prg/itch/gmedit 2/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:170 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security
    Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of
    this app to unnecessary security risks.
For more information and help, consult
 This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm currently working on a tutorial for the game, but until then here are the controls:

F1 to F10 - switch item

control + S - save

control + L - load

control + delete - destroy level

right - move right

left - move left

escape - enter/exit play mode

space - jump

mouse right - remove selected item

mouse left - add item

Home - show controls

(3 edits)

I'm currently working on away for users to share and play other users levels and even have a rating system.

(5 edits)

Old jam entire:

Finished the menu but still working on the tutorials.

Download Menu update

I'm currently working on a menu for switch items and a tutorial on the  navigation and the basics of the game.

The art style reminds me of the sega saturn graphics and overall the game looks good for the limited pallet.