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A member registered Apr 20, 2020

Recent community posts

I love everything about this game! Well done! I can't wait to see what's next! :)

I loved playing this game!! Very well-polished

and super creepy! I can't wait to see what you come out with next, ill definitely be playing it! :)))

I really enjoyed playing this game! The mechanics are unique and with a little polish I can see this becoming an amazing experience! Can't wait to see more from you!

I love this game! The story was very well done. I also love how the atmosphere progresses with the story. Very well made my friend!!

This game was very creepy, there is a lot of promise in this little game. Some more polish and it will be amazing! Great work! 

P.S. :

your game is the second in the video

I really enjoyed playing your game! Has a lot of potential and I can't wait to see more!

This game is awesome!! The sound design and the atmosphere was spot on! The scares were well executed as well as the story! I can't wait to see what else you come up with! 

This was a great spooky little game! Keep up the good work!!

I love this!! I can't wait till the full release!! Keep up the good work! :)

I played this game last year when it was fairly new. It was scary then, and it's even scarier now!! I love all of the new flair you have put into this game! I cannot wait to see what you guys create next! 

This game is amazing! The gameplay was very smooth and straightforward, the spooks were great! But the story that was told really brought the whole game together! Very well done and I cant wait to see more from you!

This game is amazing! Simple yet creepy and very scary! I can't wait to see more from you!

This game was awesome!! I love the idea and the platforming style! It was also hard as balls which to me, made it that much more enjoyable! Can't wait to see more from you!

I love the idea! There is so much potential in this little game! Can't wait to see more from you!

This was a very weird very cool game! The subject matter was very well executed as well. Keep up the good work!!

I didn't beat this game BUT I loved the idea and overall concept! I did get scare myself a couple of times too XD Keep up the good work!

This game was absolutely terrifying!! The ambiance, the scares, the story, all fantastic and very well done!! I am very happy to have played this and I cant wait to see more from you!!

This was a very creepy game! I enjoyed playing it and can't wait to see more!

Your game is second in the video :)

I had a great time playing this! Even though it was short it was very well executed and very scary! I can't wait to see more works from you!

Your game it the first game in the video :)

This game has a lot of potential! I enjoyed the atmosphere and the creepiness of it. Very scary and I had a blast playing it. Keep up the good work and I c

an't wait to see more :)

I had an absolute blast playing this game! The atmosphere was very creepy! The creature's creation and mechanics were very well executed! I'm very happy to have played this game! Keep up the good work! :)

I loved this game! The monster was scary and the atmosphere really sold the SCP\Deadspace vibe! I can't wait to see the finished product and other works you create! Keep up the good work!

I enjoyed this game a lot! The styling and atmosphere really sold a creepy and terrifying atmosphere! Keep up the awesome work! :)

P:S: Your game is the second in the video!

I had a blast

This was definitely a creepy experience! Had some good scares! Starts at 17:15! Keep up the good work my friend! 

I loved this game! Very well made and some good scares! The only issue I had was I was unable to find the blue keycard, but I'm 100% positive I missed it somewhere haha!  Again this was a really scary and fun experience! Your game is the first in the video! Enjoy!

Despite the short gameplay I really enjoyed the story telling and the mechanics of the game! I just wish it was longer haha! Keep up the good work!!

This was a very nice horror experience! Got me a few times really good! XD Keep up the good work, I cant wait to see more of your work!

This was a fantastic game! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time haha. The triggered events with some of the characters could have been more fleshed out but other than that, this is definitely one of the scariest games I've played so far! Keep up the fantastic work! I look forward to seeing more of your creations! :)

This game was great for 24 hours!! And the nice little surprise got me pretty good! I hope to see more games from you soon!

I had a great time playing this game! Lots of potential in a short package! The only issue I had was not knowing if i had lost or was progressing the game. But other than that, for a game made in 4 days it was fantastic! Keep up the good work!

I loved the idea of this game! Definitely a new concept for me haha! I really hope to see more games from you, and i can't wait to play more! :) Keep up the good work!

I loved the concept of this game! The atmosphere, ambiance, and scares were fantastic! I did run into a bug at the end of the game I think, or I missed an event or something haha. Nonetheless, this was a fantastic game and i can't wait to see what else you come out with!!


This game was creepy right from the start! I loved the atmosphere and investigative approach to it as well. The ending i was definitely not expecting! Great work and great game! Can't wait to see more! :)

I loved the twist at the end! I was not expecting it haha! I also loved how unsettling it was right at the start, the pixel style graphics helped sell the creepiness :) Hope to see more games from you!!

This is definitely one of the better siren games I have played and definitely the best siren head monster i have seen! The sounds it made, the size and the grotesque nature of siren head was amazing! Keep up the good work my friend! :)

This game was hilarious! Yet, also quite terrifying haha, i loved the creativity put into this and the uniqueness! The ending was also something special :)) I hope to see more from you soon!

This game was very well done! Creepy atmosphere, scary looming monster, sense of confusion and dread. I loved everything about it! I can't wait to see what you create next!!

This was an awesome game! I felt helpless just sitting in my stall just waiting for my impending doom! XD Honestly one of my worst fears is this right here haha keep up the good work! :)