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First Cut Lover

A member registered Sep 13, 2021

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Oh wow sounds cool :thumbs_up:

I'm hyped dude

All of those sound like good improvements! Some ideas for rewarding exploration beyond just items, mayhaps you could find people. For example, like finding someone captured and being tickled and you can save them. That could also make for a good side quest.

Hope I could help make the game even better!

Hey! Just beat the demo and I have to say I love the game! I liked all sorts of stuff about it. I liked the combat and the progression, it made me invested and looking forward to what I might get later on. I liked the characters and the voice acting, I thought they were cute! I also just like the general vibe of the game, like how lighthearted it is. I've played other tickle games but I think this demo has been my favorite so far honestly. Only things I can think of are shortcuts, I think unlocking shortcuts would be nice so it would save time. I also think it'd be nice to reward exploration a bit more, because you have cool and open maps to explore, but not a lot of items and stuff to find. All in all though, I really enjoyed the game and am looking forward to updates and the full release! Keep up the good work!

I am so hyped.

I'm so hype, this looks beyond amazing

I'm so hyped bro

That is sexy

That's true, I hadn't considered that. A katana is worn edge up, in the belt, and a tachi is worn edge down, with a harness.

And thank you! I had fun making it

Thank you, thank you for the great game :)

I uploaded a video :)

One thing I will say, is that when they draw their swords, the edge should be pointing up. That's how katanas were, and are carried. Just a little thing I noticed, not a big deal.

I literally made an account because I need to gush about this game in a paragraph.

The gameplay is visceral and intense, while also being simple, making it easy to get the hang of, while also extremely satisfying. I've been playing it all day. It does an amazing job of making it feel like you're really clashing swords. The sound is great, the graphics are pleasant, the arenas are cool, and the gameplay makes me squee. Of course it could use some polishing here and there, but I'm still completely satisfied with how it is released now.

Mr. Developer Sir, I really hope you continue to develop this game; it'd make my lifetime. This really is the ultimate fighting game for me. Despite being so simple, it gives me the same rush as Sekiro.