Oh nice! Hyped to work with you!!
Backpack Comics
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Hi there! I actually really loved your game and was quite inspired by it! I feel like your game has so much depth and meaning I actually made a deep dive about it along with some art! Thank you for making such an amazing game! You are insanely talented for putting a game like this together! Hope you enjoy :))
This game was everything! I really enjoyed the creature design and the water color art. I felt like every bit of this game had so much passions and dedication put into it! Enjoyed the story, the call back to 90's era gaming. Made this original art as well trying to follow your style! Hope you enjoy the video! :D
Really loved your game! Im not gonna lie that the first puzzle really had me stuck LOL While the game was short it reminded me so much of watching cashbox on an early Saturday. Thanks to brining me back to those simple times! Really hope to see a full release of gob eventually! Hope you also enjoy the art I made of your character :D