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Backstreet Bots

A member registered Apr 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! We’re glad you enjoyed it!

And there is definitely no such a thing as a wrong way to play our game! Seeing how differently each player plays our game has been fun for the team, too. :)

Thank you very much! We’re glad you enjoyed our game! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback! We will take you feeback into account should we continue developing the game in the future. :)

Thank you for the lovely comment! We’re glad you enjoyed the game! :)

Thank you! We’re glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit)

The game allows for many different solutions in such scenarios. In a situation where there are multiple guards in the area, there is multiple things you can try out by combining the different mechanics of the game.

  1. It can sometimes be the best way to try and see if there is a possibility to take another route. Often the longer route is less risky. Don’t forget to take advantage of the extended minimap in the first-person mode (activated by pressing Q / R3) to observe the position of more guards!

  2. For a more advanced tip, sometimes instead of distracting the guards during a guard take over by pressing E (Keyboard) / X (PS4 controller), which risks multiple guards being alerted, you can leave the guard that you have taken over to a spot where only one of the currently active guards in the area can see the guard that you’re currently in control of. Then instead of trying to alert the active guard, you can then return to the body of the player character. If you have positioned the player character in a good hiding spot you can wait until the active guard notices the disabled guard. When the active guard comes close enough you can then move from hiding to disable the active guard before it has a chance to reactivate the guard you previously disabled.

Hopefully, you find these tips useful! :)

Thank you for your feedback! We’re happy to hear you enjoyed many parts of the game! :)

However, we’re sorry to hear you struggled with the controls. Was there anything specific that caused them to feel clunky?

As for the Swedish accent, maybe the factory builds their robots with Swedish settings? :D

Thank you! :)

Thank you for the feedback! We’re sorry to hear you had struggles with the game. Is there a specific issue you would like help with?

Thank you very much! We’re happy you enjoyed it! :)