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A member registered Jun 16, 2020

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(1 edit)

And previous idea, a family is hired to take care of a hotel near a small town, like in the movie Shining. The difference is that they're not cut off from the rest of the world, they have access to this town... It's not that important.

You said that idea was a worn out one. I wasn't offended. I like to cover things from my own perspective. It gives it charm.

 Regarding your question, I'll describe a few options and tell you why I chose them.

 Panic disorder with hallucinations. In this case, everything can be built up into a detective story with a touch of Lovecraft. It can be played in quite an interesting way. Chosen because there are many ways to distort the sufferer's perspective. Great for suspense as well as unexpected twists. 

Audience favorite, schizophrenia. Not understanding what's going on, combined with stress, can knock anyone out. The good thing about this variant is that you can do anything. The consciousness that perceives hallucinations as reality gives you unimaginable scope for action. If the first option would make you shut yourself off from the world and feel relatively safe, this one is not so gentle. You can't hide from schizophrenia. A person will go deeper and deeper into their world. This is a dungeon crawler you can theoretically get out of on your own. 

Traumatic brain injury is not a disease, as the name implies. Probably whatever caused the death of the breadwinner also caused this complication. I would say this is the worst of the options. There is no cure, there is a way to suppress the symptoms. The good thing about this option is that now what's happening is real for the exposed person. Help is needed, so the person can realize the surrealism of what is happening. There are many ways to realize this. The main difference is the understanding of the nature of what is happening.

You can also use the unnamed disorder in the same way. Don't go into too much detail, and just use it to reveal the plot. It's lazy, but it's a perfectly viable option. I think I would choose it, not because of laziness, but because you can create your own hodgepodge and not be afraid to make mistakes in small things. Absolute creative freedom.

 As for the reason for the public reaction, there could be several possibilities. For example, if he did experiments on people, the end justifies the means. Or, for example, it turns out that this man was involved with a notorious organization. Or it turns out that he was not at all what he was seen to be, for example, a criminal who managed to escape from the state services in his time, but the amount of time elapsed in conjunction with the non-participation does not allow the government to somehow influence the property left behind.

 As for the nightmare, the approach can also vary. I will describe what I would do myself. Distortion of the world, where the building itself tries to swallow those who live in it, a living nightmare, shadows that try to take the place of the heroine and change her personality if she does not resist them, non-Euclidean geometry, endless corridors, completely changed rooms that become analogues of nightmares. For example, a cellar turned into a torture chamber. A swimming pool turned into a religious place for occult sacrifices. Things like that.

That's about right. Well, I'm just providing pieces of the puzzle that can be neglected or replaced with something of your own. I hope this answers your questions at least a little and is somewhat useful.

Greetings, last time you said my plot suggestion was mundane. So I thought I'd do a little brainstorming and something came out of it. It's kind of free help and all, but I wanted to shine a little. After throwing the war experiences you like in the trash, I decided to focus on something mundane. Psychology. A disintegration of consciousness based on a personal nightmare. This story is about a family with a disease of a psychological nature. For example, in a family of high order, the main caregiver dies. He leaves an inheritance, but also an unpleasant bonus in the form of information about the method of obtaining wealth. This destroys the bonds and turns the environment against the family. The female protagonist begins to shut herself off from reality, isolating herself in an illusory world. But a family member, for example, can help her get back on her feet or completely shatter her consciousness. In this story you can intertwine both completely surrealistic moments, showing some things from her side, as well as quite realistic and frightening ones. I'm not going to describe everything. There are tons of ways to realize this. I'm just bored with the ordinary stuff, and who knows, maybe this idea will be to the taste of some author.

Appreciate the kind word, thank you, I too believe that this is an area that is being unjustifiably ignored)

(3 edits)

Today, it's more about storytelling and less about making it unique.  Seriously, apocalypses, invasions, wars, catastrophes, everything has been milked. you can try to scrap themes that have not been, but in the end you start to understand that there were reasons for that. It might just be plain boring, or it might be pretty dry and you can't really expand on it without a lot of damage to the plot. I guess what I wanted to say was: Bysicle was created a long time ago, just adapt it and use the right materials. And of course make it look pretty. Everybody loves pretty things, even if they are useless.

Concidering ideas i'll give you that.

The family is coming to look after the hotel. Kind of like the situation in the movie The Shining. Mother, father, brother and sister, just the way you like it. It's winter, the area's cut off from major cities. However, the hotel is located in a residential area. In addition to it, a small settlement with a bar, farmland and a few families living there permanently. The family decides to take such an adventure because of the disruption in the family. The parents tolerate each other only because of the children. The couple's sex life has long been, shall we say, in an inactive state. Is the father redundant? Great, let's remove him from the story and make the reason for arrival financial difficulties. And then there are a lot of options for development, from paranormal to psychological or even in the direction of horror. You said something about realism, people sometimes do unthinkable things, and everything I described is possible.

You want something spicy? There's a small settlement, people used to being cut off from society. People who grab every chance they can because of their circumstances, not because they want to. 

I've given enough, I usually get paid for more than that.

And at the end, God, the models you're using, it's quite a sad sight.

(1 edit)

Dunno, your games are interesting. Way of mind wrapping and change of the way of thought is pretty awesom. Remembering other works like Lone mother ecs, i'd say the problem is fullness. Story should have beginning and end, but the distance between is much more significant and entertaining from my point of view. So, i dont know what i was going for... Your games are cool, think next one wold be too. Wish you luck and inspiration, thx for that mechanics way you created ^_^