Fortunately for me, I cannot resonate with this story because I already know that my long lost friend Lost his life at sea abord a brigantine
Have him watching an Ocean Gate Titan submersible documentary
*Cries in bald*
It's the best thing since sliced bread
I got tired of having patients
*Cries in quadratic formula*
Sir you're going to horny jail
Yes, it includes flashing lights, Jump scares, And is generally pretty spoopy.
I liked this game so much I went and got a cup of juice
how dare you not Accidentally make eye juice at this fine specimen
"PLEASE BE REAL." you must Frankenstein him into reality using the corpse of your next of kin. That's what I did to make my golden ruler
YES I will come to you for mor ideas
dammit I burnt my popcorn reading this
freaking Elon Shmusk
The dreams don’t spoil enough