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A member registered Jun 21, 2016

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Your people are more productive when they have high happiness. Also, the medical center's birth control policy mentions happiness as a requirement for high birth rates too.

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Any difference between the version posted here and the one on Poki? I noticed that the Poki version didn't have a fullscreen button but it autodetects if you put the browser in full-screen mode now. Are there any gameplay differences?


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Yup, all the unique buildings including super computer plus a pub for the secret society to "take over" are on the tiny floating island on the bottom right.

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Very nice. Few things jump out at me:

1) It takes time for your people to go vertically in the building (if you CTRL-Click and follow a citizen around you can see) so you may want to put some elevator landings or teleporters in the middle of your tall buildings to reduce travel times.

2) You've got way more stone teleporters than your miners can actually handle. I'd double or triple your current number of mining buildings. You've also got way more tree farms than your woodcutters can handle but I would probably just get rid of maybe 2/3 of your existing tree farms as wood is generally not needed in high quantities once you're producing metal and computer chips.

3) Research labs have upgrades that gives a bonus to food or tree farms in the four tiles around them. Since you generally need a lot of food and research, I've found it good to have like a checkerboard pattern with research labs and farms so nearly every farm is getting that bonus.

Archipelago map -- almost to the 10k limit