Wow really cool and polished game ! really impressive for such a short jam you've got so many mecanics working together here thats so cool to see, great game !
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Thank you for the feeback !!
Yes unfortunately we didn't have time to add every feature we wanted for the game ( but that's part of the jam haha )
And for the bug yes I see which bug you're refering to ! I noticed it and fixed it just a few hours after the end of the jam haha. It happens when a villager fall from the platform, it triggers the system we use to detect if the player has fallen.
I'm a huge fan of your visuals, it's very unique and original and a pleasure to watch !
Maybe a bit of music or sounds overall could have helped to give more of a cozy vibes, but even without this your entry really stands out ! Well done
(ps : I just also read your visual novel "The Watcher" before this and it's truly great ! )
Huge fan of the game, the visuals are really lovely, especially the beetles christmassy design I love it.
But the gameplay aspect is really great too ! The difficulty is just right to make the game rewarding and challenging without being too hard neither. The music is also lovely and overall it perfectly fits in the jam themes.
Like somebody said before, I just had a bit of troubles when using the pathfinding mechanic sometimes. But it's really not a deal breaker in any way :))
My personal favorite of the game so far !