This is unreasonably, unfathomably cute. I want a plush of Rollio so much.
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Sorry for the delayed response, I don't check too much. It should still be in there, I haven't updated the game. I couldn't even if I wanted to, actually, since the laptop I had it on doesn't work anymore. I'm planning a remake/sequel at some point, but I'll be working hard on college all year. If it's still cool with BotanicSage, it'll be in there too.
Ok, so I confess I've not played myself. I would, but my PC's not good enough. I just wanted to say: you guys nailed it. This game not only looks gorgeous, but also managed to avoid ruining the immersion when showing the enemy. The photorealistic environments of PT were on par with this, but the enemy was just completely different. You guys are wizards. I can't wait to see what else you make.
In my 17 years of existence I've done many things. I've played many games. I've played everything from N++ to Mario, Kingdom Hearts to Undertale, Amnesia to Outlast, Sakura We Have No More Ways To Disguse It It's Just Porn Now to Hatoful Boyfriend, and never have I played a game with such a compelling story, incredible graphics, and brilliant soundtrack. This game brings me to climax merely thinking of it. Harambe would be proud, son.
2/10 "You didn't pay us."