first, I did notice a bug with one of the houses having a collision box way too big that the enemies could walk into when moving away, causing you to be unable to reach them unless you lured them back out. also on a related note, be careful that enemies can't clip through walls you can't go through yourself. The graphics are still looking really good, I like the aesthetic that you've been going over and, while I see some spots that likely still need work (or actually done if just placeholder) is looking great. however, the fighting is missing a lot, in short it needs to be flashier. I know sounds aren't probably a big part of it right now, but the enemies feel completely unrelated to being hit, and you can walk right through them. second, because of how clunky it feels to use the shield, it almost seems pointless to use, it needs to be much quicker in bringing it up if the shield button is hit, or have the attacks be telegraphed more, unless it is there only for long ranged defense or puzzle mechanics, which in that case it's fine. i saw all the enemies properly die now, which is great to see! can't wait to see how you handle opening the gate or the next steps.
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Graphics wise, everything looks a lot more in place, and i especially enjoyed the placeholder background. Nice job with the parallaxing! while I can't exactly say I think tieing the "invert gravity" option to a recharging meter is the best idea (see: vvvvv, celeste, really any "puzzle platformer") if you do want to keep that I would strongly recommend having a general "should be able to flip x times max in a row" and then have it recharge quickly after it has not been used for a few seconds. Lots of things not being picked up right and I noticed no hazards actually hurt yet, so guessing that is still work in progress, but i was hoping to see a basic fail state, even if just restarting, by now. Also, when having 3d graphical objects going into the background, be careful they don't seem like they just end out of nowhere... bloodstained: ritual of the night is probably the best reference in a long time for merging 3d objects with 2d backgrounds.
wasn't quite sure what was going on with no description, but based on what I saw, I'm guessing it's an action game where you explore an area beating enemies with a sword, dungeon crawler style kind of? well, if I was right, then you are definitely going in the right direction. it looks like you have a lot of the core things in place though I noticed the enemy with the sword disappears when it "died" but the others never did, which seems like you might be missing a centralized script for controlling enemy health and destruction... if you are having a variety of enemies that will be extremely useful to do early on. also, nice monster and hand models! I can't wait to see how it fits together!
good proof of concept, will be interesting to see where you take some of the things... I will say the gameplay reminded me of vvvvvv a bit with what you might have been trying to do based on description. a couple things that stuck out though: you can't switch gravity in mid-air... but you can if you hit it quick enough, not sure which is intended. also you can get stuck moving into a wall where instead of sliding up/down you just stay on the wall until you let go. these are the kinds of things that can get problematic if not resolved early. Also, I noticed the camera didn't follow the player... is it going to follow the player, or is it a game where you jump room to room?
nice looking assets, and I noticed the "beware of the fog" sign, a little sad to not see where you were going with this... unfortunately not a lot there to say about, but a couple things I did notice: a lot of the objects had no colliders, and jumping did not work if you landed on anything, even the raised floor of one of the houses you could go in. make sure jump is re-enabled anytime you are on any landable surface, not just the ground. Also, don't forget to include a way to exit the game, even if it's just hitting the escape key.
Also, don't forget that even a silent scene in a horror movie will still not be completely silent... with everything not done I understand it probably just did not happen, but no sound at all just makes it seem empty, that's why they will still have slight breathing, footsteps, something small to remind you it's not that you can't hear, it's that there is nothing to hear.
The environment looks amazing! the monster model, while not animated, still looks very cool though. one bit of potential warning though: anytime you have a strobe effect, or something like one (ie: the rapidly flashing lights) always put a flashing light warning first. the last thing anyone wants is to accidentally cause a seizure because they didn't know the game had strobe effects!
I'm guessing the sprint wasn't finished? otherwise, some controls information would be nice, as I had no idea how to sprint at all if it was in... The biggest thing by far was the uncentered camera though. while there are examples of a camera that is not centered on the player itself (I forget the name, but there was one where a girl has a teddy bear that acts as the camera) this didn't feel like that kind of game... it just felt like the camera wasn't centered properly for some reason. This made it difficult to navigate, as you had to account for the fact anywhere you walked was not where you were, and also made the camera clip out of bounds if too close to a wall.
Also not entirely sure what the goal was? I mean, other than escaping... tried several times but could never figure out where I was supposed to go. Also couldn't tell if there was more then one monster, or it just teleported... it felt like it teleported, making one area either the right way... or a dead end, and I'm not sure at all, since there is no "game over" or "win" screen that I know of.
first thing to note: look up mouse lock, if you are using mouse controls but not the cursor itself, you can hide and lock the mouse so it does not roam all over, very important for any game using mouse controls to pan the view, and unity actually has built-in functions to do as well.
The music is super nice though, and the ground decor looks good, but could've used a repeating texture of some kind on the ground itself instead of a solid color.
Mechanics wise, I'm guessing a few things was wanting to be added but never made it with the shooting but nothing to shoot, though one thing that did pop out while playing is when you went up a hill, the feet would go into the ground, and when going downhill you would float quite far above the ground. If reaching the door was the goal, then that was very well done with it being a prominently visible thing compared tot he rest, but I got a game over getting to it so if there was something else, then I have no idea...
the road looks a lot nicer, it definitely fits the angle of the car better now... but the spawn point of the cars still needs adjusted... it looks like they are spawning in mid air and falling now. something that games like this would do as well that might be worth looking into is when you spawn the cars at the edge of the road, spawn them very small and have them grow in size for the first half of the road, this can give the impression of them "coming closer" a little sad to see the trees go though!
The game is looking a lot better! I like the use of rectangles to form the buildings, gives a minimalist look that works nicely at the moment.... A couple of things to note; the enemy only sees you when you are directly up down left or right of it, and loses track as soon as you are diagonal... I suspect this is because nothing is considered if it is close on x and y coordinates. Also, when the game is won, nothing pauses so you can still lose even after winning... also, if you touch the enemy, the enemy goes onto you preventing you from moving, so you can't escape.
crouching makes you fall through the floor. This happens because when the character returns to normal size, it expands downward as well, and needs to be shifted "up" to compensate for that.
E doesn't seem to work to interact with the key. or if does, there is no indication that it does, including the key going anywhere. Also not sure what the lockers are for? Also not entirely sure what the objective is either... you might want to make a text line somewhere on the main menu or the start of the game saying what you need to do...
left click and dragging to turn was very disorienting... it makes sense if you are using a touch screen or mobile, but would suggest using mouse movement as well. Also, having non-standard controls makes having a control layout screen much more important!
Music is really great! it might be slightly loud though...
The "danger, run" message really needs to pop up farther away, or when you are looking at the enemies... by the time I saw it, I was already dead.
Depending on the feeling you are going for, I would suggest lowering height of the ceiling on each floor (or increasing the size of the characters) to make the floors not feel so giant... or push in on the giant open feeling and go for bright/crazy textures everywhere. I guess it depends on what kind of aesthetic you are going for... but I do think the floors are a little to tall.
The game is off to a great start! honestly, the biggest thing I think it is missing right now is visual feedback and indicators. feedback on you being detected, using switches and doors opening, indicators on where the guards are looking and what they can see and when they see you, things like that.
mouse turning is over sensitive and the game needs to bind the mouse cursor and hide it if using it for turning on the overworld.
no sound effects, especially missing for the clicking menu options. also, the sensitivity for the mouse turning is way too high. also, controls need an exit game button.
in the puzzle section: I would highly suggest adding the ability to use hotkeys for common actions, especially the end turn button, and moving the various actions into a single space. moving the mouse all over the screen every single turn gives the feeling of repeating a lot of mouse movement for little reason.
menu buttons could use customized looks
the grass planes look good for the background far away, but everywhere close to where the character and the puzzles are, you can see through them to the ground below giving the ground a splotchy and uneven look to the whole ground, would suggest adding a tileable grass texture to make it not as noticeable.
controls in the puzzle section where the skeleton king you are moving as suddenly cannot do anything is a little confusing. The push button also does not interact with the rock, only the skeleton king, if this is intended it needs more visual representation. Since the skeleton king cannot move, I might suggest making him unselectable unless there are different actions you plan on having him be able to do in the puzzle. Having a character that is selectable when they can do nothing can be confusing.
When finishing the first puzzle, if you walk back into the previous area and hit the button again, the gate respawns, locking you out of continuing. I would suggest spawning the king on the other side of the gate and closing the gate to prevent walking back. Or disabling the pressure plate.
The skeleton king itself looks really good though, and the grid movement in the puzzle works very well!
I would suggest adding a "beginning" and "ending" tile that marks where a puzzle begins, and in the puzzle, where you need to get a unit to win. Suddenly shifting to the puzzle without it is a little jarring.
When you start out, the starting ammo seemed to do so little damage that I couldn't even tell it was doing anything. also the gun still makes the shoot sound when empty. It wasn't until I actually picked up ammo that I even realized there was ammo.
Hit feedback is non-existent for getting hit, same as hitting the enemies, I would end up hitting an enemy 3 or 4 times just for it to die, and I have no idea if it died on the first, or last hit.
Ammo is super rare, if it's a dungeon crawler, then you need to make the basic ammo respawn, or much more abundant.
The map is confusing, no idea where I am supposed to be going. I'm guessing that there being no texture is a big part of this.
The controls screen is a little off-putting... Also, you need an exit game button
.The dungeon really needs texturing, without it the rooms are all confusing, and hard to know where you are going, also there is an untextured ceiling thing that looks really weird with no texture... the bowl under that is unable to be jumped out of and soft locks you.
first off: Love the site aesthetic that you decided to go with for the itch page, the retro look works very well!
great job with the rebindable keys, it is such a staple game feature these days. That being said, having a good default control scheme is also good, and the default control scheme is a little weird with it using numpad and WASD... if you are not using the mouse, I would suggest changing it so everything is reachable with one hand: WASD to move, space to shoot, shift to jump (alt is in a weird spot to use hand position wise) and then Q and E can be used for Woogie and backflip.
The background works, but it definitely would look a lot better with some better backgrounds, and or custom buttons.
The vehicles have a really weird mix of being fairly blocky, yet highly glossy giving this weird "highly detailed, low poly" conflicting look. also, the vehicles on the left and right rotate into the backdrop making the edges disappear randomly.
I'm guessing the track select is a placeholder? It would look much better if you replaced the squares with either a representative picture of the track, or a picture of the layout of the track, or a name for each track.
I really love what you did with the feel of the track itself! I would highly suggest looking at the game "distance" it also goes for a "survival racer" type of game. One of the things you will notice is the hazards themselves are never very big, but your going so fast is what makes it hard. the spikes are clearly dangerous, but the mines did not look very threatening and didn't realize it was dangerous until after I hit it.
The checkpoint can sometimes place you directly onto spikes, forcing you to take a hit. I also managed to glitch through the bottom of the track at one point, and when going on the "turning left/right" sections it seemed like I couldn't turn/strafe at all.
jump, shoot, woogie, backflip doesn't seem to do anything?
Also, the curves going up/down are a little too steep, preventing you from even seeing what is about to come next, and doesn't even matter sometimes as you go fast enough the vehicle just flies off and over it.
track select and vehicle select don't seem to do anything? once you get multiple tracks though, high scores will need to be separated for each track
can confirm, I couldn't figure out how to get the bone in this room, so jumped there thinking maybe out of room shenanigans... was unpleasantly surprised to find both 1: no hard box to keep you going out of bounds with no way of going back in, and 2: no auto reset trigger for going out of bounds below the room.
Kinda torn on this to be honest... the graphics and visual design is pretty spot on, and the game is really engaging, and while the gameplay is fairly simple it does work quite well... but there are a lot of things I can figure out if I'm missing something, or just not working:
1: the swords reach is MUCH shorter then what it looks like, with the sword going enemies with it's "lunge" but not actually hurting anything.
2: I can talk to the "posse" and spend the coins... but I never saw any noticeable difference in the game by doing so, despite trying it with health, eyesight or speed.
3: the enemy that can hit at range doesn't look like anything is coming off from him, so I just got randomly hit
4: going into boss room almost guaranteed all the posse died with no chance to save them because...
5: no way to tell posse to stay back... or stop moving. makes it hard to talk to a specific one (if that makes a difference)
6: except for selling things, what exactly does your posse do anyway? I'm still really not sure about that.
Overall: I do really like it, but there is a lot of really weird/confusing points.
great artwork and humour! I loved a lot of the dialogue and music was perfect. The jump seemed a little weird being able to jump up the sides of things and having to travel to find people got a little dull waiting to get somewhere. Credits screen did not work and no option to exit at all... Had to force quit to exit.