You can visit this website on your mobile device, but it wasn't updated for long time, it works but not as good as it should. Danius is going to fix it soon. :P
They will be soon added after Danius releases game on Steam
I just have some questions
Will there be :
a item shop from Local?
level up system?
better jungle :P
built-in multiplayer
new mode with 3 towers, inhibitor and nexus
account for saving progress (and of course buying champions and skins)
hextech chests ;P
In 2017 was premiere of Construct 3. Why you don't use it?
BUG: In single player jumping on middle button will make you flying when u didn't jump from it.
BUG: At normal mode u can go into turrent as penguin.
(After using his I he/she jump forward )
Sorry for my English :)
Nice job! Which engine do you use to make this awesome game?
Will you make multiplayer via Internet?