yes, try to fight, surrender or lost, choose return before battle and not go into battle
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Helen go southwest found "key item", go east, fight with pixie, swap with Jackie, Jackie fight with armor, swap back and what next Helen could do? I am lost here. Is there some secret, bug or not implemented path? Or Helen should defeat ghost earlier to allow move forward?
I try another browser - same result(
Tried to play web version with firefox and got some locks.
1. When Helen try to open doors at "entry hall" game suggest save, so save and try open doors got nothing. Sometimes it work, but i can't repeat.
2. When Jaycie defeat armor, control transfer back to Helen, than with Winchester go to stairs, to defeat gost, but every time I got "
...Well- step two, but it's still not getting her anywhere! She throws her arms up and mutters, retreating from the stairs for now." and return to hall. No more doors could be open and nothing happened.