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A member registered Nov 05, 2020

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(1 edit)

wow i tried this on a chromebook and it is super hard but still a pretty good game

im excited to see it, also, if you ever need a tester or someone to help with the game, just ask me! this game is definitely going places lol.

great game, one thing tho i dont really like are the dimensions of the screen, i kinda wish it was in landscape mode. because im on a Chromebook and i cant see the full thing on my screen. other than that, its a great game

wait my bad i didnt know you could hold down for more energy my mistake.

EPIC game, well made and i also love the art. I think 1 thing you could add is a game mode where you just go without a certain amount of energy but it gets harder and harder as it goes with more of those death zones.

is there a way to delete units?

Great game but seems a bit hard

my score is 17... yay :

does anyone know a good spot to be that can benifit you a lo

Amazing game, at first i thought it was gonna be like a game called tavern master. if there was a version of this that IS similar than i would definitely play that as well.

lemme try it might have been the chromebook i was on

in the browser version you are unable to move

i dunno how but i think i permanently glitched my game, i dont think its the wifi since it still glitches in places where id dint before.

Of course, dont rush either. and theres a chance you might not even remake it and thats ok. but if you do I would be more than happy to test it!

Epic! I think the game is amazing, if you do recreate it i would love to give some feedback that i have

its fine, i was just wondering since i do enjoy incremental games. are you planning on adding it in the future?

How do i save my progress?