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A member registered Mar 19, 2022

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I don't get it, how is the crooked arrow better than a plain arrow?

This red thing you show is not a curse, it is an accessory.

Speedy leaf when combined with seasoning can give you unlimited healing in a combat, perhaps this should be addressed?

The actual reason I didn't post was because I discarded a good gem by mistake, a pearl, and I didn't want to show off my blunder, ahaha. But yeah it was doable, no problem. You need a level or so to stack up gems while using the pickaxe only for deathblows, then you can use it as your main weapon and wreck havoc.

When I try to play I get the message response.body is undefined. :(

(1 edit)

I did a run with the pickaxe, I was lazy to take a screenshot, but it was funny, more gems than you could ever imagine. I got past the final boss too. :)

Yeah, I always play my runs in one go, I know that if I take a break and try to continue later, the saved game I will get will be from a previous run, most of the time.

I finally managed to beat the final boss with a melee build, screw magic and archery! Haha. I killed the fox and he gave me a nice sword... I even managed to survive until the first boss in infinite, but as usual, no luck with the loot.

I still don't understand what makes it different from a regular bow.

What does the herb do?

Has anyone ever used the Chainmail? I think it's the worst...

I have a bug to report. Whenever I have the sound muted, both music and sfx, and I return to the game, the sfx is always on, I have to go to the options again to twiggle the slider a bit and then it gets properly muted. The music doesn't do that, only sfx sounds.