The framerate cannot be this inconsistent 😭😭😭😭
Recent community posts
Está muy regido por la suerte, aunque se nota mucho el esfuerzo que se le puso al juego. Incluso que tenga mucho tiempo en desarrollo y que tenga varias personas detrás, de todas formas te pueden oneshotear todo el equipo al primer turno. Sin una guía ni ayuda este juego es horrible, y lastimosamente algunos van a decir que este juego es malisimo justamente por eso.
Hello, i'm known as Barjaquin and I come to say sorry for how I acted before. I'm really sorry for the inconvenient I have generated because of my (literally) 11 years old behavior. I have matured since then and now, seeing the consequences of my actions and how you needed to add that warning just by my fault, i'm embarrased of myself. I have removed the reviews of the accounts that I could as a way of asking for forgiveness.
Problems that i encountered:
The music volume can lower down if you skip the "Game Over" scene and intro to fast.
The attacks are hard, not because they are actually hard, is that the attacks are purely RNG and 2 attacks that cannot be avoided at the same time in the SAME TIME can give you a free gif.