hey Dupus, I can't find you.. You can find me @Barmizzle#4898
Recent community posts
I'm looking for a team for #inkjam18. I'm a composer / sound designer - here's my website. https://barmeyung.com/ Inkle games are so beautiful! and I'd love to be a part of something. Is anyone interested or can point me in the right direction?
(I posted on the Discord too)
ah, yeah I guess I definitely got mixed up on that tutorial thing. and the sound and music was fine. It's a game jam, I understand how these things go. I actually also ended up working on sound for a game on the last day as well.. and compromises had to be made, but it's cool. I'm totally a snob when it comes to sound and music stuff, and it's like the first thing I notice for everything. I really enjoyed the game though. Well done!
this is dope! really creative elements and variation of classic games. The second time I played through it, it doesn't end, and I don't die. There's no losing condition. I can run into all the blocks and destroy them that way, which is still kinda fun. Also, I feel there can be more variation in the sound design, but I'm also an audio guy myself.