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Barni - 07

A member registered Oct 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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I rage quit. But  it i a good game. I left a good rating :)

I'm the first one, again! ... I beat H*tler... XD

Also... did you find my secret areas? (there are 2 of them...)

Yes. it is hard.... trying...

yeah, i played your game and it was AMAZING! :)


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Very cool game! I love it! 5* (Also: finding the speedrun route was very fun too. I love that it was never the first one i tried...)

AMAZING!!! I'm addicted! It is So good. Awesome work man! :)))

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#My sneaky one
print_txt "Hello!" 1
jump 1

Good game. But i don't like horror... (my bad)

I am a HUGE fan of these rocket builder games. I love it! Unfortunately i found it quite hard to turn, and also, i could not delete parts.. (sell) And when i dragged down the rocket i just instantly died... (?) Overall VERY GOOD! I love it! :)

thanks :) I can dm you the level layout if you want to...

Unfortunately no. I'm curious too....

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Thank you! You were the first commenter! :) (I already added the PRESS-A-KEY-TO-RESPAWN mechanics but i can't upload during the voting...)

where the shortcut??? (DM me: Discord: steampunk_man)

nice game! But the turning is a bit sensitive...

Write me, your solution!

Hey, again... The player with the name "found_shortcut", time 25s... Can you send me a vid please? :) Or screen share on Discord? ("steampunk_man")

Woooow! It is impressive. :) Thanks for sharing with me! Also... can i put this vid, as a gameplay trailer? (i will credit you.)

I did a record: 100!

Can you send a vid please? I'm honestly curious about HOW on earth are you that fast.

okay. just checking, you know... i honestly don't know if i made a mistake and just did not notice it. AND uploaded the project. Thanks for the response. Good luck :)

Hey! The player with the name "neo", time 39s on the leaderboard: was that legit time or you found a bug? (if so, please tell me.)

it is a little bit too fast. good concept, but hard for me. :)

we will see...

Hmm... Interesting concept. Good game! :)

You need an online leaderboard, only when you want to be top 3. Otherwise you can use an offline one.

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Did i win? The door after the two trampoline level is not working...

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At first it was not clear: This is sideways! I tought it was a top down dungeon... And i misunderstood the solider for... flowers? But! This is a very good game.

WooW! Very impressive!