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A member registered Oct 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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I fell through in the middle of the arena. Unity physics just failed me I guess :)

Was really enjoying this but then fell through the floor, no......

'something out of the Alien franchise' is the best compliment ever. Wasn't a conscious thing but those films have long been a huge influence. Thank you

Yeah I rushed the very end. Controller's the very first script I could find in the last few minutes before submissions closed! I've fixed that gap but waiting until after the voting to upload the updated version :

Tony Stark would be proud of this bad boy in his arsenal! Particularly like the sharp, angled edges you got by repeating parts and rotating them slightly. Really clever. Contrasts great with the the flat top of the body.

(1 edit)

Awesome sense of scale. Has that properly ultra modern design rather than the bricolage aesthetic of retro futurism. Love it. I know we're not voting on post-processing effects but that ambient scaterring gives the ship such a majectic appearance!

That ship builder is just brilliant, and no doubt you spent most of your time perfecting that! :) Very nice little fighter though. Those hanging turbines are such a classic design.

That's an epic cruiser! When can I book my ticket?! I love that it makes so much sense structurally. The amount of PP made me laugh though. You're always complaining about asset devs using too much of it :)

Love the idea of a trail of cargo compartments. As Blackmage says, big Dune vibes but also has the feel of that spaceship from 2001. You missed a trick though, really wish they slowly rotated on their z-axis ! :)

It's just down to the ninety-ninety rule... The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time :) That last stretch takes so much more effort than people realise. Keep it up, you're doing great.

Thank you! Way out of my depth here, but that may be a good way to learn to swim...

Big thank you for your generous contribution to the Unity community. Not only the assets but also your prompt and patient replies to my queries on the forums. Buy yourself a coffee, or a beer, you deserve it. Cheers :)

Pure gold. Thanks for the technical deep dive. Sadly I definitely don't have the expertise to roll out my own solution as you have done. Is it something you would consider putting up on github?

Hi Navid, Do you have any plans to update this for MoBu 2019 or 2020? Thanks :)

Any chance of the head bob tweak? 😊

This looks really interesting. Only just started but a couple of comments to make.... I think that installer will put a lot of people off. We're used to unzipping Unity games ourselves. I don't generally like running an exe that tells me it's from an unknown publisher.

And please, please give the player an option to turn off or turn down the head bob. It's way too much for me. Makes me feel queasy :)

Currently yes. It's just a VR build. I guess I could port to flat screen if there's a huge interest but with AAA games like Dota Underlords available for free, I assume fans of the genre would rather play those. I do have plans to port to TiltFive too as I'm a Kickstarter backer on that. It promises to be pretty cool AR tech specifically for boardgames

I did have, so have now unplugged it but still getting the same. Happy to debug further if that's helpful to you. Let me know what else I can try.

Not working for me I'm afraid (v.092 windows) Game loads and I'm looking at a door, as soon as I move forward I hear a door hiss but the camera goes into a spin. I can pause the game, which stops the spin, but restarting spins again..

Love it.  Already a ton of fun and without a doubt set to become the Gorn of KungFu. 

A couple of things with the inputs (using Touch controllers on a Rift)... I kept on opening the Menu while gripping to punch and on the few occasions I tried to drag move to sidestep. Feels like using the dedicated Oculus option button would be less prone to that (instead of one of the primary buttons). 

Also I couldn't get the hang of the low inverted grip, into forward punch special move. Managed to trigger the move once ot twice but the spacial movement recognition seemed either too sensitive or not intuitive enough. 

Other moves worked great. That earthquake summon is awe inspiring :) although it would be good if opponents had blocks for these. It seemed a little too esy to bring them down from a distance. (admittedly for fewer style points) 

Again, great work. Can't wait to see how this develops.

Love it! Thanks for sharing. I hope the comments in the survey are useful. Meant to say... if you run out of steam and feel the need for a fellow Unity developer to help out or do some testing. Do ask.