First off, thanks for the comprehensive feedback! You make a lot of good points, hadn't thought of a few of those :)
- Password system is coming for sure
- I'm sorting out some incompatibilities with the latest Scorpion version, and then there's life stuff to deal with too. Hopefully I can get an update out before too long (the moving platform collision glitch in particular irks me)
- I see your point about bumping up the RAM req (nice color tweaks btw). I *might* do an AGA only version and do sth similar for that. In fact, why not? The OCS version will stay at the current req tho. Squeezing everything into those strict limits is part of the fun for me.
- High jumps are coming! Just haven't needed to put them in for level 1 so I didn't. But I will :) Not being able to change the mid-air trajectory is an arcade-thing... but we'll see. I've been taking quite a few liberties already heh
- The black line is a copper bug thingy that might be fixed in the latest SE, haven't tested yet.
Happy you like the boss! I'm real happy with how he turned out too :D