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A member registered Jan 13, 2023

Recent community posts

Is that update actually in the downloadable files right now?

Any information on how this masterpiece of a game/story is coming along?

I am all for it, Midsummer is amazing!

I don't know what has happened to my build but the compression shirt & everything else when correctly combo-ed and Dwayne's surprise outfit question mark box doesn't appear any more it just jumps to showing me all options

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I just got to replaying Dwayne's route after THE update and there are some parts of the game that won't let me scroll back when I used to be able to before, and during the clothes shopping scene with Dwayne the back mirror is bugging out with the jackets. (And there is no in between dialog for any of the clothing except the tennis shorts)

Who is Charles again? I don't remember any "Charles"???

Is there any "Dom routes" in Paul and Shen's routes? Because the PC seems to be sub bottom tailored.

Thank you <3

😒 Can I get a hint where I can change this mysterious thing like a chapter? Or a "It's between chapter 3-6"

Does Themba have a different look depending on it you choose an Art background or Leader background?

I think this new build made Kael's day two options glitch out because the middle option doesn't display any text.

Alright, thanks for keeping us updated and I hope everything sorts itself out soon, including your relatives getting better.

Is there any news on chapter 20? It feels like it’s been kinda left behind considering Devil’s gambit has been updated twice already.

I love it, and I already want more, though I should probably calm down.

I'm playing the English translation of the game and after calling Oliver handsome when you first meet him the game suddenly switches to a different language.

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Godfrey's NSFW scene only uses dildo dialog even if you choose dick

I don't know how to word this without so spoilers so I'm going to 'dance' around the subject but we do have a scene with Owen where we aren't the bottom. But I don't pretty sure Owen's Route doesn't have a scene where we fully top him. Not yet at least

MC has top scenes

Please do.

I can't get to your demo through the link or through steam it just takes me back to the store page

He better not actually be...

Rook please! It's January 22nd, at least give tell us what's happening!

Make that January 11th

Sorry to be "that guy" but it's January 5th Rook...

It's amazing the art is great and while all the 'action' happens semi-quickly, I would honestly read it if it was a full-on visual novel.

I have the same issue as him. \/

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Sorry if this comes off as rude or complaining but I just wanted to warn you about a typo at the start of the game, the line is "My fur need a special soup and shampoo" It's (soup) instead of [soap] and the word (need) should be [needs] with an [s] at the end. Thanks for the update!

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How do I download the English version right now?

(To be specific, I'm talking about the previous update that was in English not the next update that's supposed to have it.)

Is there a guide to this game

Is there really no Travis route

Did we "skip" update 1.155

Some of dozers garden backgrounds are missing What should I do

Are you going to continue working on Repeat or move to Temptation's Ballad

Will you start on Lukas's route after you finish Tai's or after you finish Dom and Axel'

You jerk

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Where can I play Notes of Hearts?

Ok thanks for the info and I got 7 months because august is 7 months away.

You said that we can expect an update in the next 7 months (Its free to read on his patreon) is there any more news on the matter?

(Idk if you got any notification for the other coment but check here) Top left title screen hover your mouse over their faces.

Top left title screen hover your mouse over their faces.