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Basically, Roblox!

A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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I know, I kinda messed up the camera position in the unity file. That could be why



its not done yet.

no problem!

Use APK Editor or free up space (works)

its not a scam. i used to own this account

Does it say something when you try to?


press the download button next to ROBLOCKS_Android.apk or ROBLOX_1.4.3_Android.apk

download the apk.

Download the desired .zip file for your platform. It is recommended you download the latest version of the game, as older versions may contain bugs or be missing features from the newer versions. However, if you enjoy one of an older versions more, feel free to play it! Extract all the files from the .zip file, making sure all the files are in the same folder. The easiest way to do this on Windows is to right click the "" file, select "Extract All..." and then click the "Extract" button on the window the pops up. This will put all the files in a new folder of the same name as the .zip file. Activate the game from this new folder, and feel free to move the folder wherever you want, so long as you don't move any files out of the folder

i have replied

I ended up forgetting about this.

I am back.



why did you edit ur comment

(1 edit)

i mean like its just a name. i can call him wayro you can call him wargo. 


im not clicking that.

no u is dead meme

i dont see the image. fail

failed rekt.


failed rickroll.

it would be nice if you gave me credits for the original android version tho.

how lol.

Nice mod of my android port!

(1 edit)

who gets mad when someone says wayro instead of wargo. then you failed to rekt me.

wayro :omega troll:

wayro :troll:

me when wayro

give credits to the original owner of the game

can u give credits to reallyhandsomepeople for making the game

deleted it.

nice update! im stupidfiremario64kid btw.

u mean robloxs basics birthday bash?