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A member registered Dec 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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i literally had to get up from my chair and cry because of how much i connected to the character, the feeling of the longing really got me hooked.  i loved it so much.

the ending was terrifying, i genuinely went into absolute shock. The voice acting is amazing tho, im still sobbing.  

I just tried playing it for the first time, this was gen my reaction. im crying tears

(a bit of spoilers ahead, nothing to strong) soooo........ this game is probably the best thing I've came across. The character ( Asher) is very well built, the whole setting of this game is amazing. The tab next to the messaging app gave everything a sense of actual immersion to the game. I genuinely felt as if i was really there. The whole scene with Asher's twin brother was probably my favorite part, it was really cool to see how realistic it felt, It honestly portraited how siblings interact perfectly. I found myself smiling and blush to my screen the whole playthrough. Not to forget the voice actors did amazing! I really liked the feeling they had in their voices, it wasn't robotic or monotone. Overall I would definitely recommend this game to people. Thank you for your hard work <33

so far, this demo seriously is the best. the story is amazing and the concept i've been seeing jenny run thrru on insta for a long time so i really enjoy it. i think the only part that was a con was the amount of time the voiceover takes to load in after i click, i hope this isn't the case for the full game. Can't wait to play it! <3 huge love.


he has such a nice voice.

this is something i deal with a lot, not being able to get up in the mornings. but even in the weekends everything is so loud . i really want to one day lay in my own bed in a place i worked for myself and rest. thank you for this game.

im a doll, thats very nice. good game, honestly would def recommend

i played this game a while back and well, it's seriously good. It's short but entertaining.

why, im just so- why (send me a link)

i am in love with toasty and quest, this game is really good- honestly.

the feelings i feel for cove is so strong i dont think ill ever be able to put this game down, its honestly so good i couldnt get over how good the art is, i played this on steam instead.

i went along with nightowl's route and it was so supersupersuper cute!! this game is amazing, i honestly feel like im talking to them and its crazy how the recreation of discord was so close. this game is honestly recommended <333

i beat the game in a hour and 24 mins, it was really fun honestly. (p.s i almost gave up)