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A member registered Dec 04, 2023

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bom geralmente cada atualização e lançada de noite então e so esperar.

and that's it gentlemen, at any moment today, we will be presented with a new work of art

bem vindo de volta mestre Ncro

(1 edit)

6 dias

7 dias

8 dias

9 dias

faltão 10 dia.

Man... I'll never doubt a horror tag in a hentai game again, that feeling of only being able to move in the dark and there's literally a DEMON! (in all letters) trying to invade your house gave me an agony I'd never felt before. Other than that, it's a great game and I'll keep following it.

21 days to go: I just realized it's coming out on no-fap-september... fuck!

I don't know if it's just me, but for some reason I can't install the new update on Android, and whenever I try, I just get the message that the app wasn't installed. This has never happened to me before, so if someone can tell me what's wrong, it would help a lot.


32 days until.....the return


How do I transfer my saved data from one version to another?

I don't know if I'm the only one having this problem, but I can't install the update on Android, it always gives an error or says that the file is already installed, if anyone else has had this problem, could you tell me how to fix it?

now and wait for August, and from what I know of the story, we will possibly have a new location on the map, either Akane's family house or we will go to the kingdom to "chat" with the queen. If I'm wrong, correct me, by all means cool update, and may Ncrow have his well-deserved rest.

tenha um bom descanso

The game is good and fun, but I couldn't play much because apparently there's a bug that keeps kicking you out of the game on the second day of work

I don't know if it's just me (probably not) but would there be any chance of having an Easter or Valentine's Day event? I don't know about you, but I would do anything to see Ryoko wearing a bunny outfit or covered in chocolate.... now that I think about it, what's the chance of a New Year's event?

I finished Lily's mission, is there anything else I can do? or is the game over for now

quando vai sair uma versão pra celular?

tenho esperanças de que este jogo vai ter uma atualização em maio,  para dar início ao próximo capítulo da historia. E se lançar em maio,então poderei descansar em paz sabendo que vai ter 1 atualização  por ano.