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Dom Camus

A member registered Mar 04, 2014 · View creator page →

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The intention is that you work out the semantics of the rules, some of which are fixed by other rules or by deduction, but here are the answers to your questions if you prefer:

* No
* Yes
* 2 and 5 are connected in that example
* Immediately North
* Yes, only one.
* No, it does not.
* Exact. Any.

Ah, sorry to hear that. The game is written in Unity, so unfortunately there's not much I can do about differences in behaviour on Mac/Windows/Linux or in different browsers. As a workaround, I have now added the rule list to the description.

Consider the question of whether the chaining of puzzles offers additional solution paths or is mandatory. If these are additional solutions then in effect each player will miss seeing (or at least solving) some puzzles. On the other hand if they're mandatory then it's not so much puzzle chaining as a single puzzle with more than one solution.

I think I'm cautiously in favour, if only because it's a way to make the open world nature of the space matter more.

Yeah, that level's a bit tricky...

Hint (ROT13): Jung unccraf vs lbh chfu n oybpx vagb na vgrz?

Elegant little game! Like this one. :-)

Good to see some hexes instead of a grid for once. Nice work!

I think this is my favourite use of the theme in the whole jam. Very impressive game!

Oops, yes, that's cheesed - nicely done! (The finals one is the intended solution, but I won't explain why...)

OldCaptainWZJ has it right, good luck! As a (slightly spoilery) meta-comment about puzzles like this in general: V gbb nyjnlf trg fghpx ba chmmyrf juvpu rkcybvg na vagrenpgvba V unira'g grfgrq lrg. V graq gb nibvq ghgbevny yriryf - cnegvphyneyl sbe wnz tnzrf - ohg guvf xvaq bs ceboyrz vf gur qbjafvqr bs gung.

Answer in ROT13: Vg vf abg n erq ureevat, ohg vf gurer nf na bofgnpyr engure guna nf n hfrshy pbyyrpgvoyr!

Good question, though. :-)

Yeah, I've seen that before too but TPGJ hasn't hit this in previous years. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to disqualify stuff. :-/

Good to have an expert sportballer here to set us straight, thanks!

Hi 786 - I notice this game appears to have been first released before the start of the game jam. Is there some context I'm missing for why this is reasonable to submit?

Hi 786 - I notice this game appears to have been first released before the start of the game jam. Is there some context I'm missing for why this is reasonable to submit?

Ah, you recognise this? I don't know what it is and can't test it - should I be disqualifying it?

I suspected there were always elegant ones - pleased to discover it's true!

Elegant concept. I found fine-tuning the functions got a bit tedious around lvl 10 or so, but maybe I was missing cleaner options!

It isn't just parallel Sokoban, because [thing you encounter on the second level with two characters] changes the gameplay significantly.

The move counter debate has never been so cursed! :-D

(1 edit)

In increasing order of hint-ness. (All ROT13)

* Lbh arrq gb fubbg obgu oybpxf.

* Lbh bayl arrq gb svyy gur gbc gjb ubyrf.

* Bar oybpx zhfg or fubg sebz npebff gur ubyrf.

Oooh, cozy! XD

Nice puzzle, good work! Took me a long time to work out what I was doing at the start, but worth the effort!

(Now fixed.)

Thanks to a suggestion from Karoo, problems with being able to skip half the level are now (hopefully) fixed.

A number of things are not needed due to a problem not spotted during playtesting, but I'll let people play the original as submitted before attempting a fix.

Excellent game - strong puzzle design, original concept and looks good too. :-)

I like the mechanics a lot here - feels like they could stretch to a lot more than one level!

Well, none of my ingenious plans have worked so far... very cool game, though!

Amusing game - I love the framing as an unreliably-told story!

Did see one unexpected interaction. Here I would expect the ball to be passed, but instead the players end up on top of each other:

Ooh, clever! Yes, that is indeed not intended!

Maybe try pushing something into it?

Well done! (and thanks!)

Slightly bigger hint in ROT13: Gur terra gnetrg vf qverpgyl nobir gur erq gnetrg sbe n ernfba.

Extra big hint in ROT13: Gurer ner fvk fcnprf orgjrra gur erq naq terra gnetrgf. Gur oyhr funcr vf sbhe fcnprf ybat.

Nice concept!

Love this one, a lot of depth from really simple mechanics!

Great design and a good use of the theme! Most impressive!

Ah, yeah, that level is tricky! Here's a hint in ROT13: Jung vs lbh pbhyq unir n punenpgre ba rnpu erq fjvgpu naq fgvyy chfu gur erq oybpx?

Ooh, nice! Yes, you are of course correct! :-)

Thanks for letting me know. I will attempt a fix!

Aww, thanks! :-)

Nicely done! Managed 840 on my first play, mostly by reasoning "I don't know that one, therefore probably chalk". :-D

I feel like with multiple runs it probably becomes more of a memory game?