Wah thank you so much... (especially for going out of your way to comment in English)!!! 😭🙇
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!! I hope it left you with great memories!!!!
Awww I'm really happy to hear you liked it so much!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game 👀
Though it isn't a romance route, Henri does have a cute friendship route!!
And yeah, I would love to add more routes! Initially the plan was to add more with download milestones (and fans would vote which chara), but sadly the game was just not popular lol T__T (bad at marketing) so I'm working on other projects now!
🥺 Thank you so much...!! It was a lot of work but I'm glad there are people out there who enjoyed it...! T___T
Hehe I'm working on my next project (a light novel) The Doll Witch as we speak!! 👀 I honestly think the story is even better than MOI, so I'm really excited to show it off hopefully next year!!
Thank you for spending your precious time on my stuff...!! T__T
Welcome back!! T__T I'm glad you liked it so much!!
NGL I was midkey/highkey trying to make the reader fall for Februum in Auggie's route too... HEHEH! Since it's probably the game's last update, I wanted Febby to shine since we won't be seeing him again until much later.... T___T
Thank you so much for playing! 🥺💗
Hello hello, thank you so much for loving my boys! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I'd love to revisit MOI somehow in the future but sadly there isn't much public interest, so I'll be focusing on other projects for the foreseeable future 😭...
I already miss the MOI cast though!! I always suffer when creating the content but now that I'm "done" I'm like, "I miss them, I want to go back :(((" LOOL
The sequel will happen, but who knows when! 🤡
To get updates, follow my itch.io account or OC Twitter acc for updates!
I'm sorry for making you feel that way, but from the position of a dev, it's exhausting dealing with entitled people. Indie devs from all areas often receive rude comments from people who think they can guilt or bully devs into making what they want.
The person in this post and I already apologized to each other. However in the future if another person shows a lack of respect/consideration, I want to continue to convey how I feel about this stressful position without having to do fake customer service pleasantries to someone who was rude to me first.
You say learn decorum, but consider that the dev isn't in a position to stand up for themselves (customer service pleasantries) but as their close friend, the least I can do is stick up for them and say what a good chunk of devs are thinking. If I was in her position, I wouldn't be able to "clap back" either. But imagine you see your friend being treated awfully at their customer service job. That's how I feel about this and I always will.
You might leave this reply still thinking, "Well, you still didn't have to be so rude/aggressive," and that's fine, it just means you can't understand my perspective. It's fine if you want to blame me, but I have absolutely nothing to do with Salvus Aries, so direct your distaste to me instead of this project. It makes less sense to me that you'd say you regret supporting the project and then compliment the actual dev for their reply.
!!! I'M HERE!!! I read everything, thank you so much for the sweet message!! T__T
It was actually my goal with MO Ciel to make it a free game that anyone could play and enjoy some silly comedy/romance, as that's what I wanted when I was a kid (but good content was like a wasteland lol). I'm glad I could play a small part in having a positive impact <3
Thanks for keeping me and my work in your thoughts!! I'll make even better stuff, just you wait!!
WAAA HEYA AGAIN!!! Thanks so much sdfhsg omg let me finish everything first before you replay it, I'm embarrassed LOOL
Gluck with school, no worries the game will always be here!!! I'm trying to aim for before the year ends. I'm nearly finished but implementing all the VA stuff will make things take longer than usual T__T Take care!!
Thank you for understanding, I'm sorry about being so tilted in my first response too. I've gotten the same comment before and it's just really upsetting to have someone criticize a personal preference in your own passion project. We're making these projects to please ourselves and express and explore what we want to, so thank you again for seeing that side.
Okay so the three of us are supposed to be devs--do you really think anything comes out of telling another dev to their face about their passion project that YOU don't like a little aspect of it?
I'm not saying every single comment must be roses and sunshine but this is personal preference and not anything useful.
I don't like it when characters call each other "babe." But I'm not going to tell an author hey loved the writing but man I really just can't stand all the babe talk. Who cares about my opinion because that's THEIR work. If you don't like it, tell a friend in DMs or someone who cares.
Glad you got it! That song will be the theme of February (and like I mentioned, renamed aptly later lol).
The composer's name is Cryset! https://twitter.com/crysetbase
Hiya, I'm so glad you liked it! Hopefully Auggie's route will be done soon...! ^_T
The audio files should be easily accessible! If you want to save one, just remember to copy+paste instead of dragging it out, or else you'll get an error when the game can't find the file anymore :D
Open the Iris folder > game > audio > (music files)
The one you're thinking of might be called "Final Battle" or "Awakening" (to be renamed in the update).
!! I think this is the longest comment I've received so far LOL
Thank you so much, I'm glad you gave the game a chance!! I'm also very picky with VNs, and it's hard for me to find one that I like... That's a reason why I'm making MO now LOL
I'm working on Auggie's route (as the bonus goal) right now, so I hope you check that and future games out!! :D