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A member registered 44 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you. Im glad you like it!

thank you!

thank you. I actually thought that I made the percussion too simple. It's one of the things I think i should have worked on more. Im glad you like the harmony in the track!

thanks a lot for the feedback. I agree that it might sound a little too dramatic/serious for a mario game.

thank you for your feedback. Im glad you appreciate the NES accurate limitations in the track!

thank you for the feedback. I agree that I could have ended the piece a little differently.

thanks a lot for your feedback. I think the baroque style is a result of me originally creating the soundtrack with a piano vst and changing it to chiptune at the end. I always intended it to be chiptune but working with piano sounds helped me creatively.

thanks for the feedback.  That was indeed a feeling i was trying to capture in the track.