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Bonjour !
Je peux confirmer que le bogue que vous avez signalé est un problème. Je l'ai corrigé dans la dernière version. Merci pour votre rapport et votre compréhension.
Je suis allé trop loin en essayant de créer une compatibilité avec VisuStella, et il s'agit d'un oubli malheureux. Si le moteur de base de VisuStellas était actif, le bogue ne se produisait pas.
Hello !
I can confirm that the bug you reported is a problem. I've fixed it in the latest version. Thank you for your report and your understanding.
I went too far in trying to create compatibility with VisuStella, and this is an unfortunate oversight. If the VisuStellas core engine was active, the bug would not occur.
I added a parameter in "addText" with which you can switch that automatic formatting on and off. Unfortunately I can't add it via elegant {{}}, because Visustella can only check the closing brackets if they are actually there. In case of fading in narrative text Visustella sees "{{123" partially, for example.
That is an unfortunate limitation between those two plugins.
For movies I got bad news. Both a movie and a narrative text try to block the game via the waitmode. A movie sets the wait mode to "video", which basically blocks everything until that waitmode is set to idle. Similarly, this plugin blocks everything by setting the waitmode to "narrative", so those two things can never work together.
There might be other plugins that let you arbitrarily play video files without setting a waitmode, but as it is, this unfortunately just doesn't work out.
Hmmm... I don't specifically do any text formatting, so that probably comes from rmmz itself. I'll see what I can do over the weekend, maybe an optional parameter to switch that number formatting off.
Regarding videos: this plugin only covers the text. The images or whatever else you want to show comes from rmmz itself or another plugin.
If you got a video plugin with some looping background feel free to link it, I'll look into creating some compatibility.
you were completely right! Thank you for bringing the issues to my attention. I uploaded a bugfixed version today.
Quick explanation: When optimizing the loading of the sound files i added a new function to preload the audio when the map is entered. During that I removed the loading of new files on runtime - completely forgetting that sometimes we need new files. Now it should work.
My bad!
- BP
Hi there!
Put the plugin (.js file) into <your project root>/js/plugins/
There should be a couple of default plugins in there already. No need to create new directories!
After that, in RMMZ, navigate to plugins and add the AI plugin there. The rest is documented in the engine.
I fully agree about the responses being unstable. After all, that's the main feature - and problem - of AI responses. You never know what you get back, so it might be fully hallucinated nonsense. You can try to steer the responses to be more refined by writing better prompts, but as soon as they get lengthy, that just ups the cost per response with very diminishing returns. As such, I highly recommend to only use this for NPC chatter, not for a main plot line - or an NPC that NEEDS to give accurate directions.
In your example with the wise man, you can add all those lore details to the prompt. Then it should be part of the response, however... it may be not. Depending on the AI.
That - paired with the running cost issue per request to openAI - is also the reason why this plugin is fully free. It's experimental, and from my personal point of view not "production ready" for a commercial game.
Regarding NPC objects - I just tried it for a chair, and the result was:
"Oh, hello! I'm just a simple chair, but I've seen many adventurers come and go."
I then tried a more refined prompt ("Respond in asterisks, describing actions, [...]"), the result was:
"*You are sitting down on the chair, which weirdly enough sighs.* Ah, that's the spot! I've been waiting all day for someone to give me some purpose. Rest here for a moment, adventurer."
...interesting result, LOL.
And lastly, 2Plaer: yeah, admittantly I was bothered a lot by his responses. To make "demands" for a free and marked as experimental plugin just irked me, and then him describing features that aren't even in here... I dunno. Honestly I may have been too flippant, but that sure annoyed me.
None of this makes any sense because nothing of what you said has anything to do with this plugin. Have you even tested it? The players can't prompt the AI, it's the dev.
1) players can't prompt the AI.
2) players can't prompt the AI. But even if they could, they'd have to do massive jailbreaks to escape from openai safety limits.
3) players can't prompt the AI, therefore they don't have to type anything
4) multi language is supported.
5) it's not a free chat because the player can't prompt directly
Your solution isn't valid because it has nothing to do with this plugin. And the last comment is even more baffling.
The AI in this plugin doesn't generate js code or game logic. It literally just generates NPC chatter based on Dev-defined prompts.
In the future, I recommend actually trying a plugin or read the code if you plan to bash it.
Mind you, ask the points you raise works be good critique... For a different plugin. This here has nothing to do with it.
This is an experimental, free plugin I threw together in an afternoon to quickly generate NPC chatter. To even think to "make demands" is beyond ludicrous.
I played along with opening the source code because yeah, a malicious dev could've nabbed the API key. The readable source code proves this plugin literally can only do one thing and nothing else: generate NPC chatter based on dev defined prompts.
Stop fighting against windmills.