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A member registered Nov 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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>Well, the difference is that a different color is missing from the bag each time

Oh right, I forgot about that. So one of the colors would have to be displayed differently-- with a dot, an underline, in the first position, etc.

>There is a very subtle indicator on the top of the frame

Cool, I'll look for that!

I think those rules are equivalent to "when the crystal bag has exactly one crystal left, reset it to 1 crystal of each of the 5 colors".

So there's essentially a hidden 6th preview slot (the bag), with an undetermined yet not completely random color. As crystals are drawn, their color is crossed off. The number of possible colors that the next crystal can be always cycles from 5 to 2 and then resets.

This wouldn't be much fun to track by hand, but it might be nice to have a subtle little indicator somewhere - probably just one (lit or unlit) pixel of each color. Though I don't often look more than 3 moves ahead anyway...

Was on a roll last night, but paused and came back the next day. Predictably, I was out of practice and quickly painted myself into a corner.