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A member registered Jan 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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My goodness, this game was totally different from what I thought it would be, and that is amazing! The cutesy looks contrast so much with the story, and it's so easy to get carried away by Klein's words. I love Yael's ending and Klein's bad one. Also, what's up with Al? I'm curious now.

I feel incredibly bad for Sera. She was such a good sister, I wanted to save her somehow!!! I love the thriller aspect, the technology company behind Klein being lowkey shady... I need more!!!! Can't wait for updates

Oh my God, I was just a teenager when I first saw this game, now I'm a young adult and we still have nothing.

As a fellow developer (even though I'm not a game dev), I know things go awry quickly. I'd even say the pandemic made it worse but... 2016... so long ago...!

I'd say "it's fine, they just gave up" but there's money in this, so much money! I wasn't a backer (as I said, was a teen back in the day), but I feel for everyone who trusted the team. It's easy to say "We have a track record of finished work both on commission and personal, so we're not worried about not finishing the project at all :)" and then vanish in thin air.

I don't want to discourage the creator or ignore any hardship they may be having on their personal life, but please, please be transparent about this. Is the game dead? Last update was 2021, we're on 2023. What happened?

Oh, my Lord. I love a (fictional) serial killer! First of all, I didn't expect the betrayal to be so... ugh, I hate that man! I so want to punch him in the face 😭

Also, Oz is such a angry little dipshit I want to rot in jail with him S2

Jokes aside, I love the game's setting and the Bear Café was so cute! I want to see more of it already. Good luck to the team, you're doing a great job!

Oh, okay, I was team Edel at first, but now I guess I'm aiming for both? I legit thought Vicenzo wouldn't captivate me, however it happened. And happened quickly!

I like the dynamic of the characters, the way their mouths move and their expressions, with the silly ones being the cherry of the cake for me (especially Edel's. Everyone who played knows which one!)

I'm intrigued by the plot. MC's internal dialogue is so funny without being overdone and I love the atmosphere shift when something shady is going on. MC is honestly refreshing: homegirl be struggling with proper etiquette and I feel that. She isn't fulltime naive nor suspicious, she's just... a fun, relatable dorky girl since her first life.

Good luck with the game, I'll be following and supporting you!

I've played the update and OMG???? I need to be honest, first release was already charming but this one is just... the whole fairytale. I love the new screen for name and pronouns, the new dialogues (I got to know you in 2021 so I haven't seen 2017 ver. so they're fresh for me), also I loved the CG update.

Anyways, I was a fan, now I'm a whole air conditioner, I love bby Ren but I hope Elanor is fine!

Damn, I wish this one wasn't cancelled. I've read the copy pasted Kickstarter entry and while I get it, life those years weren't great, it's kinda disrespectful how the game's social media are still up like it wasn't dropped and itch is still with the reservations. Heck, their paid domain is still up -- doesn't it cost even more money??

I wish they gave us all actual, public closure, not only for backers. I'm following for any future project of the studio bc I liked the concept a lot, but this lack of info doesn't help them look reliable at all, even though the circunstances of the cancellation are valid.

Second-hand info shared that the writer may (with may being the keyword here) continue on her own, so I hope we can see more of this in the future.

Commenting here, since I couldn't on the last update. First of all, congrats for so many downloads! I think this game is kinda popular because it is fun!

I understand not being able to do something, we all have our limits and I'm grateful you told us about it instead of just vanishing in the air. I'll be following you closer to see your other projects and, if one day you feel like coming back to The Only One Girl, you'll be always well received 💕 

I remember playing this one and finding amazing! Was it cancelled? I'm wondering since we haven't heard of this game in a while...

Dang this is SO GOOD! I cried, I laughed, I blushed like crazy in some cute scenes, I love how natural and cute the narrative is, even when it touches important subjects. I love Cove's personality (shy Cove is my love!), I love our moms, Liz, the whole Holden family, everything! I'm so grateful I came across this game and I'll be 100% supporting you guys 💕