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Gergely Szakács

A member registered Feb 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great side-scrolling shooter, felt like badass by killing tons of aliens :D Nice twist at the end :D

Great resource management game, nice difficulty curve,  level 4 is really though :)

Really atmospheric, nice touch with the cut-scenes all around! 

You didn't miss anything :). Just uploaded a v0.2, that rune works now and just added one extra island to clear out then level is finished.

Thanks for the kind words!;)

I've found a bug: You can still shoot and move the camera while the fade-in happens.

Scary as sh!t, even with the enemies acting only when you move. Great atmosphere, nice VFX and SFX altogether. I wish the game was longer, so I cannot wait for more content! ;)

I like Cursed Steps the most :)

v3 - bugfix: game end video is now played

Thanks, but they are not my creation :) Although I really should learn that style of modeling, it's so rewarding

New version uploaded

  • UI bugs fixed
  • New UI element for the phone bar
  • Kids start with half the speed, but gain speed after every grounding

V2 attached- many bugs fixed, performance enhanced.

:))) köszi, kiváncsi vagyok mit mondd rá

Köszi a visszajelzést, igen tényleg nem egyértelmű, hogy hol van a játéktér és a díszlet között a határ:) Valamit majd megpróbálok kitalálni rá.