Sorry for any typos! I am a very busy person and wrote this update on my phone!
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I have been working on a full version of Rollo Boi and I am very happy with my progress so far. I have a few ideas of power ups for future worlds. One will be Super Shrink, and the other will be a Super Jump Like the one implemented in the demo.
- Super Shrink: Shrink to half your size to get to tight locations.
- Super Jump: Jump on a blue platform to launch yourself in the air higher than you can actually jump.
If anyone has any more ideas I am more than happy to read what you have to say. I plan to have 5 or so different powers.
Great improvements! now just one more thing and a possible suggestion. when the ai walks they stop walking to reset to their original standing position and then continue walking. its only for a single frame (and it does not bug me) but idk how others would feel about it. plus if you could make it a goal in the game to run the shop and make the player have to pay bills that would be a really interesting touch.