Beef Gravy Studios
A member registered Feb 18, 2020 · View creator page →
Recent community posts
Your game starts at 10:53. Wow! It was fun watching the story unfold. Great monster designs and funny characters. Lil Biscuit liked Frown the Clown the best. The difficulty was perfect and having the exclamation point to warn that an area is not safe was brilliant as cut down on unfair game overs. Looking forward to your next project!
We home school our Lil Biscuit and this was a great find for us. It caught me off guard when there was actual historic information. We do YouTube family gameplay videos, and I was expecting an awesome vaporwave walking sim but now we were able to log this as his art education for the day. He loved all the characters and worlds. We will be making a let's play with commentary of this soon. Thank You!
Awesome demo! Great vaporwave graphics and vibes. Being able to steer after throwing the ball and having special abilities were cool features. The tracks were creative and fun to tackle. Obstacles like the force field that launched us off the map were brilliant. You made bowling unpredictable which is an impressive feat on its own.
Your game starts at 02:15. Great concept and execution! Being able to do everything with the mouse made playing easy. Caring for hedgehog fun and the food boxes gave us a chuckle. The build up to the final reveal was done at a good pace and it never felt like progression was dragging too slowly. Changes to the environment and the pet's behavior kept things interesting. Our only suggestion would be to add some different things to click on only at set times to give more lore.
Your game starts at 11:53. This was a really fun arcade like experience. It was easy to pick up and play. The controls were simple and worked well. Our only suggestion would be to add some power ups like rapid fire or invincibility. We hope Lil Biscuit's driving and Beef Gravy's shooting makes you proud!
Your game starts at 01:45. This was done very well! We loved how different the worlds all were and using a controller gave us a fighting chance. When we died (repeatedly) the game restarted very quickly which kept things moving. Some of those enemies seem impossible to escape but I'm sure there is a way. Great to see you already on Steam and we hope the launch is going well.
Your game starts at 10:32. Excellent take on the Backrooms! Having the color scheme change with every portal jump was fun to see. Lil Biscuit started to walk into the same one repeatedly because he was loving the color change. The controller worked perfectly and adjusting turning speed and visual filters was easy which is appreciated. The notes and entity were great final moments. Keep up the good work!
Gameplay starts at 1:53. This was so much fun! We played Mesoamerica and it looked and controlled great. Using a controller was a welcome feature. With so many weapons to try, enemy types to encounter, and ruins to explore, things were always interesting. Throwing the torch was the best! We know that this is a fan page, but we found the game here, so this is where the video is posted. Feel free to share it with the amazing crew working on this.
Your game starts at 13:32. We loved the art direction, character designs and deep lore! The platforming was fun and it makes sense jumping would be floaty given we are on a water planet. The platforms were close enough together that progressing was not frustrating. Blowing up stuff with the bomb was great and we would of loved to shoot something with the harpoon gun. The huge eye at the end was freaky. Hope you build on this. We would love a level 2.
Your game starts at 15:48. Lil Biscuit loves clicker games, so this was a great time for us. We liked that getting the upgrades didn't take too long. The option to save was much appreciated. The pixel art looked excellent. Our only issue was nothing happened when we clicked the "plant" option on the banana level, and we had enough points needed. Keep up the good work!
Your game starts at 09:05. This was so fun! The sounds were great and fit the janky worlds. The characters were all funny and bizarre. The crazy cartoon where we switch from Mario to Luigi was our favorite part. We couldn't get the princes door open at the end so maybe there was something we missed. Keep up the good work!
Your game starts at 00:57. Excellent game! We loved the art style of the worlds and characters. The puzzles were fun to figure out. Using a controller was enjoyable. Our only issue was we couldn't figure out how to get off the first platform in the cloud level. Was there a way to figure out which characters were less glitched? The music was catchy and fun too. The ending was intense. Keep up the good work!
Your game starts at 02:04. This was intense! Moving around was easy and fun with the grapple slime gun and low gravity. The enemy designs are terrifying and creative. The space station with all its buzzsaws, fire pits, poison slime and exploding eggs made for a cool but hostile setting. Some more check points would be nice as we died ALOT so there was a ton of replaying sections. You did a great job of guiding the player with messages in a confusing maze. Finally, the in-game music was SO FREAKING AWESOME!! We love synthwave. It fit the scifi setting but I would listen to this on its own. Please pass on to WhiteBatAudio that his soundtrack is 10/10.
Your game starts at 12:38. Excellent first chapter! We like the concept of each chapter being a different person's alien experience. The story was told at a good pace and details like ancient temple pictures and orbs left out in a destroyed living room made us want to hunt for secrets. The big reveal was executed well and the aliens and ufo looked awesome. We encountered two soft locks which are in the video. Having chapters was helpful as it cut down backtracking when we got glitched. We loved figuring out our van was indestructible and giving in to road rage. Lil Biscuit hated Dave for some reason and sided with the aliens. He decided the aliens didn't abduct Dave at the end cause "Dave Sucks". Make of that what you will.
Your game starts at 1:30. This was excellent and we didn't know there was a first one when we played it. Using a controller lent itself well to the gameplay. The characters were so adorably creepy and the setting set the perfect horror atmosphere. We were really bummed out when the demo ended. Lil' Biscuit's favorite part was the sound reloading the gun made. Looking forward to the full game! Keep up the good work!
Bendy & the Dark Revival: 2D (PROLOGUE) comments · Posted in Bendy & the Dark Revival: 2D (PROLOGUE) comments
Matthew's Tropical Island New Year Putt Putt comments · Posted in Matthew's Tropical Island New Year Putt Putt comments
Your game starts at 05:09. Great demo! The setting and characters look great and the sounds set the tone very well. We fell through the floor walking up to Freddy and slide a lot while walking. The ending was perfect and we're looking forward to the full game. The concept of playing as the man and monster sounds awesome.
Your game starts at 06:39. We really enjoyed this! The ducks were hidden well enough that it took some thinking and clicking to find them all. The candle side quest was a fun addition to a game that was already complete. The humor and visuals complemented each other well. It takes a lot of creativity to make every duck unique. Keep up the good work!
Trash Blandicook (te vest crash bandicoot famgane) comments · Posted in Trash Blandicook (te vest crash bandicoot famgane) comments
Your game starts at 11:22. Great concept and execution! The knife changing hands in 30 second intervals kept things exciting. The area was big enough that finding a good place to hide was actually possible. We appreciate having the controller and keyboard as options as it made for an accessible two player split screen experience. Keep up the good work.
Your game starts at 06:44. We know nothing about Cold Ones but we still loved this. The secrets were not too hard to find because the hints were helpful so we weren't aimlessly searching. We found 6 out of 7. The huge head coming out of the shadows was the best surprise. Great creativity on how the environment reacted to us. Keep up the good work!